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by andrfgs
Sun Sep 26, 2021 1:13 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [Oxyd] [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

Damn it I finally found the problem.

Its when I run with "prime-run" argument. Running without it appears to run the game at 60 FPS on Steam as well, when the laptop only has the nvidia card enabled.

This makes no sense to me because all prime-run does is select NVidia as the intended graphics ...
by andrfgs
Fri Sep 10, 2021 1:42 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [Oxyd] [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

Running the standalone version with Steam as an external game enables the overlay and the FPS is high (stable 60fps).

So its not the overlay. Because it also works on the standalone version and there is no FPS loss.
by andrfgs
Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:40 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [Oxyd] [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

First sorry for the long time to reply, I have been a bit busy with work related stuff so I couldn't reply right away.

I tried to run Steam in the native mode. I even ran directly on the terminal:

But the FPS is still low.

Next I tried to use the following launch ...
by andrfgs
Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:52 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Re: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)

Apparently, this is a bug in all OpenGL games on Linux which use the Nvidia drivers on the X Server. It is a driver problem that hasn't been solved yet. All we Linux users can expect is that NVidia developers learn how to program a proper VSync given they suck at it.

It also seems SDL doesnt even ...
by andrfgs
Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:06 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

Not a stupid question at all. I do understand your thinking, it could be the platform issuing expensive syscalls to the OS, but unfortunately, nothing changes. The non steam version runs at 60fps regardless.
by andrfgs
Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:17 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

I used Hotspot (, which a GUI version of perf and with flamegraphs integrated to it.
I first had to change the kernel perf event flags to -1 with: 'sudo sysctl -w kernel.perf_event_paranoid=-1'

So here's the flamegraph for the Steam version:

And the ...
by andrfgs
Sun Jul 04, 2021 9:02 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

OK, I did that and no performance gain. Seriously, I'm really thinking there is a bug in how the Steam integration is implemented for Linux. This is not happening in other games and the Steam overlay being disabled does not improve anything at all.
by andrfgs
Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:02 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

@quyxkh I disabled the entire Steam overlay, but it had no effect no fps. Also this is the only game I've had this issue with, so far.

@judokus Where do I find those settings? I should add that turning VSync off on the nvidia driver affects ALL OpenGL applications, including my compositor, which ...
by andrfgs
Sun Jul 04, 2021 1:06 am
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Re: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)

Maybe it does. I would wish so much for a Vulkan version of this game. But I do understand the work of targeting the rendering engine for Vulkan is abysmal... Even when using SDL...
by andrfgs
Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:50 am
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

Re: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

Right, I'm sorry, I lowered the settings on the Steam version to check if it helped and forgot about it.

Here are the logs with the same options on both:
Steam Log:
Non Steam Log:

I used "__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0" on both but it seems to ...
by andrfgs
Sat Jul 03, 2021 8:29 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version
Replies: 24
Views: 12838

[1.1.35] Linux - Lower FPS on Steam version than on non Steam version

Hello there, I have made this post on Steam first and some people recommended me to post here in the bug reports. Original post:

For some reason, at least in Linux, the Steam version of the game is much slower than the non ...
by andrfgs
Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:19 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Re: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)

Turns out this is a bug that is made manifest by another bug. Apparently, my game suffers from a huge fps drop on the Steam version but not on the non steam version. As said, the game only tears for me if the FPS is lower than the refresh rate. In the non steam version, which runs at 60fps in 4K on ...
by andrfgs
Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:11 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Re: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)

Bumping this post since this bug is really annoying and has been around for a while. I know the Linux demographic is usually small, so Linux support is usually a non priority but I would be really grateful if the devs could look into this Linux bug more in detail when possible.

And for Linux users ...
by andrfgs
Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:23 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Re: Tearing on Linux When Moving

Just a discovery I made now: I played Factorio in Window mode maximized and the bug is still there, on my 4K display. When reducing the window size however, such that the game can run at 60FPS, the tearing disappears (or maybe it becomes unoticeable). Should the game hiccup even a bit below 60FPS ...
by andrfgs
Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:48 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Re: Tearing on Linux When Moving

Except my monitor doesnt support GSync, only Freesync and my Nvidia card wouldn't work with it either because Optimus laptops dont support it well or have bugs when both are active. And besides, I have no option to activate it either. The monitor is at 60Hz or at least the nvidia driver and ...
by andrfgs
Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:55 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Re: Tearing on Linux When Moving

Hey @jodokus31, what DE and what display server are you using? X11 I assume?
by andrfgs
Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:24 pm
Forum: Technical Help
Topic: Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)
Replies: 16
Views: 7446

Tearing on Linux When Moving (EDIT: When FPS is lower than refresh rate)

This is a known bug that has been around for some time on Linux and hasn't been solved ever, though I am not sure if its a Factorio bug, a SDL bug or a compositor bug. The game suffers from serious tearing when walking, running or moving the map around. This doesn't seem to manifest when the player ...
by andrfgs
Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:30 pm
Forum: Resolved Requests
Topic: REQUEST: Improving the Modding API and its Documentation?
Replies: 7
Views: 3846

Re: REQUEST: Improving the Modding API and its Documentation?

Thanks for the reply. I have seen all of those URLs, maybe I may have missed something, but as I understood, the NoiseExpression that I want to control, in order to customise the procedural generation, is the one that modifies the property elevation . I had no idea that repository was related with ...
by andrfgs
Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:51 am
Forum: Resolved Requests
Topic: REQUEST: Improving the Modding API and its Documentation?
Replies: 7
Views: 3846

Re: REQUEST: Improving the Modding API and its Documentation?

I understand the philosophy, but I have to highly disagree with many of those points. Minecraft's Forge is, in my opinion the best modding API ever created. It was a product of people working tirelessly over the years to support something that Mojang always promised to support but never did. Forge ...
by andrfgs
Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:50 pm
Forum: Resolved Requests
Topic: REQUEST: Improving the Modding API and its Documentation?
Replies: 7
Views: 3846

Re: REQUEST: Improving the Modding API and its Documentation?

I understand, I would like, if possible, variables to be more detailed, such as type, range, a detailed explanation on how it changes what is supposed to change, things like that. Sorry if my feedback wasn't detailed enough.

A good API documentation (IMO), usually has every single possible field ...

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