Search found 3 matches

by Aranian
Tue Jun 28, 2016 2:08 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [0.13.0] Spawners spawn far too close
Replies: 25
Views: 17196

Re: [0.13.0] Spawners spawn far too close

Would you consider adding a setting like 'enemy aggression' instead of simply fixing/changing this? I kinda like the idea of the aliens trying to take back what was theirs.
by Aranian
Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:50 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #129 - The late game
Replies: 273
Views: 165825

Re: Friday Facts #129 - The late game

I like those ideas.
My current factory has researched everything and sits mostly idle while I move stuff around and otherwise optimize in preparation for potentially building a megabase. Even the trains are not running currently.

I also agree with the red and green science projects running out too ...
by Aranian
Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:12 pm
Forum: Resource Spawner Overhaul
Topic: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2
Replies: 191
Views: 208146

Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

I tried my hand at bugfixing that problem about a week ago, but couldn't figure it out. Even removing basically all logic it would still randomly crash when creating the game. It might be that certain operations are "timed out" in mp faster than sp (or something similar), but I have no great ...

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