LuaGuiElement frame with a close [X] button

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LuaGuiElement frame with a close [X] button

Post by DaveMcW »

If you set the LuaGuiElement.caption property on a frame, it will create a title bar similar to the ingame one, but without a close button.

If you want to have a close button, you need to skip the caption and build your own title bar. I found a couple examples of how to do this, but they did not match the game. Here is my title bar code that creates an exact match to the ingame title bar.

Code: Select all

function add_titlebar(gui, caption, close_button_name)
  local titlebar = gui.add{type = "flow"}
  titlebar.drag_target = gui
    type = "label",
    style = "frame_title",
    caption = caption,
    ignored_by_interaction = true,
  local filler = titlebar.add{
    type = "empty-widget",
    style = "draggable_space",
    ignored_by_interaction = true,
  } = 24 = true
    type = "sprite-button",
    name = close_button_name,
    style = "frame_action_button",
    sprite = "utility/close_white",
    hovered_sprite = "utility/close_black",
    clicked_sprite = "utility/close_black",
    tooltip = {"gui.close-instruction"},
sample-gui.jpg (25.73 KiB) Viewed 2810 times

And here is an example script that calls it. Note that you have to handle a click on the X button yourself.

Code: Select all

gui = game.player.gui.screen.add{type = "frame", name = "my-mod-gui", direction = "vertical"}
gui.auto_center = true
add_titlebar(gui, "Sample GUI", "my-mod-x-button")
gui.add{type = "label", caption = "Click the X button to close this gui."}
game.player.opened = gui
script.on_event(, function(event)
  if == "my-mod-x-button" then
script.on_event(, function(event)
  if event.element and event.element.valid and == "my-mod-gui" then
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Re: LuaGuiElement frame with a close [X] button

Post by eradicator »

I build my title bars according to Raiguards Style Guide and they look very vanilla-like.
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
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My code in the post above is dedicated to the public domain under CC0.
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Re: LuaGuiElement frame with a close [X] button

Post by BlackOverlord »

Is there a proper way to make such frame closing with regular hotkeys (F or ESC)? So that the tooltip on the screenshot wouldn't lie.
By "proper" I mean not defining a separate input for it. I tried using CustomInput with linked_game_control which sounds like what is needed here, but unfortunately it's either also pops up the standard UI (consuming="none") or completely blocks it (consuming="game-only").
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Re: LuaGuiElement frame with a close [X] button

Post by robot256 »

BlackOverlord wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 2:40 am Is there a proper way to make such frame closing with regular hotkeys (F or ESC)?
AFAIK, this is done by setting player.opened to your LuaGui root object when you make it visible, and/or responding to the events for on_gui_closed and on_gui_confirmed.
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