[posila] [1.1.32] Incorrect save name when deleting saves

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[posila] [1.1.32] Incorrect save name when deleting saves

Post by Hawkbird »

What did you do?
  • Pressed the delete key multiple times when deleting a save.
What happened?
  1. Multiple confirmation popups were created using the old save's name.
  2. Confirming deletion on the top confirmation deleted the save.
  3. The additional confirmation popups for the first save stayed, resulting in a popup with the old save's name.
  4. Confirming the delete on the next top confirmation popup deletes the next save that was selected after deleting the first but the "You are about to permanently delete" message still uses the save name of the save where the delete key was pressed.
What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
  • Additional conformation messages to not be created while one already appears and/or the additional ones that were created to refresh with the newly selected save's name.
Pressing the delete keyboard key multiple times while deleting Save117 creates multiple confirmations, after confirming it the old confirmations will stay for automatically selected Save118. Confirming the delete will now delete Save118 despite the confirmation not warning so.
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Re: [1.1.32] Incorrect save name when deleting saves

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
Confirmation box popping-up multiple times is fixed for the next release (1.1.36)
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