[Lou][1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Things that has been reported already before.
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[Lou][1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by PHOENIX147 »

I'm currently playing on the following fully vanilla server:

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There's insufficient power production, so every night the power dies completely for a few seconds. About 15 seconds after the solar panels first start producing power, every morning, I get desynced. Report: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... -12-52.zip
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Senpai1337 »

We were able to reproduce this on our server too.

* Vanilla server
* Two separate factories
* Two separate power grids
* One factory relies on solar + batteries
* Other factory relies on nuclear

At night:
1. Solar panel factory eventually drains batteries and dies at night
2. Entire factory goes completely dark
3. Sun starts to rise and solar panels come alive
4. Things start to turn back on
5. Desync happens for everyone online

Connecting the two power grids (so the solar panel factory doesn't go completely dark) reliably prevents the desync from happening.

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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Chukles »

i hope it fine if i tag along. We have the same Problem. Our SolarFarm can no longer produce enough Energy, all Capacitors are empty. When we hooked up our Backup system while or maybe during the big base shutdown the server desynced all players immediately.

The backup system was using Steam Engines and Turbines and could provide 180MW, the base would use ~1.8GW.

The server is: i hope its still up.

After more testing, the Server desynced when the base was at 0 for multiple seconds, every machine shutdown. During the recovery when the power slowly came back it happened.

The Desync Report: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhIUNgnxYb7MxEd8kg3 ... k?e=HOksfT

Edit: Upon further testing, we discovered that it does not desync when we go through power recovery in our smaller, nuclear powered north base.
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Raffish »

I guess while other people are reporting.
I have encountered this same issue. It seems to be, for me, not 100% repeatable.

Has started occurring more as the base has grown and shortly after starting the nuclear build. Nuclear power not online as yet.

Like others here, power goes out overnight and accumulators empty, steam is unable to sustain the factory bar for a crawl. When solar comes back online shortly after the desync occurs.

It seems I can be stationary doing nothing and it will occur, i can also be busily working away and it happens.
Crash dump: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjSBIKKrTEG1iwYmCPf ... a?e=5aeeyP

Setup is 1 user, 1 server local LAN. Linux headless
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Lou »

Would you please include last successful save before the desync occurred?
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Chukles »

I am not sure if that was directed at me but since it was a multiplayer Game, i dont have a Savegame stored.
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Lou »

It was directed to whomever has useful save :)
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by PHOENIX147 »


I may be able to get you a save a bit later (don't have factory on the machine I'm checking this on) however in the meantime you can join the server I linked in the first post and try to invoke it yourself - disconnect the reactor (southeast) from the main factory, and connect the solar on the west. desync (seems to) occur when the laser turrets finish recharging completely after a nocturnal power outage and power starts getting handed off to the rest of the lower priority machines.
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Re: [Lou][1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Lou »

I have rewired that factory, however desync did not occurr. When you will be able to, please, get me a save of a state that would crash the next morning.
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Lou »

Chukles wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 9:46 pm ...
Edit: Upon further testing, we discovered that it does not desync when we go through power recovery in our smaller, nuclear powered north base.
What do you mean by that?
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Re: [Lou][1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Lou »

So far i have been unable to replroduce the desync in either setting. Until someone provides save or other way for me to reproduce the desync, I am moving this to pending.
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Senpai1337 »

Lou wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 9:05 am
Chukles wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 9:46 pm ...
Edit: Upon further testing, we discovered that it does not desync when we go through power recovery in our smaller, nuclear powered north base.
What do you mean by that?
Ah, I can pitch in here since that was my factory.

From testing:

With separate power grids:
* Disconnecting nuclear power from north factory and letting all machines drain of electricity and then reconnecting -- Did not cause any desync problems
* As a note, there were no batteries included

* In south factory: letting solar panels and batteries drain completely over night and then slowly come back on in the morning causes desync
- We attempted this with steam back up ( similar to above, where the factory would be ~80mw but demanding 4gw+ )
- Also attempted this without steam back up, and letting it just drain completely

After combining the power grids, batteries would no longer drain completely and desync did not happen onwards. This allowed the lack of solar panel / batteries to be offset by the remaining nuclear power in the north factory.
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Re: [1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by Lou »

Senpai1337 wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:12 pm ...
Thanks for the clarification.

Do you happen to have a save or up-to-date server up, where this could be replicated?
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Re: [Lou][1.1.30] Desync repeatable upon recovering from a solar power outage in the morning

Post by boskid »

Looking at the desync yet again i see it is the same as 98445
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