[Lou][1.1.30] Blueprinted power pole connections can be overwritten when connecting to pre-existing power poles

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[Lou][1.1.30] Blueprinted power pole connections can be overwritten when connecting to pre-existing power poles

Post by farcast »

Overwritten connections.png
Overwritten connections.png (864.39 KiB) Viewed 3539 times
When blueprinted power poles are placed near other power poles, it's possible to form 5 new connections causing the blueprinted connections to be removed.

I expected the blueprinted connections to always be preserved unless the blueprint overlaps with pre-existing power poles with their own connections.
Overwritten Connections save.zip
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Efficient inefficient design.
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Re: [Lou][1.1.30] Blueprinted power pole connections can be overwritten when connecting to pre-existing power poles

Post by Lou »

Thank you for the feedback. Connections from blueprint will have priority as of 1.1.35
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