[kovarex] [1.1.26] Can't load my save: transport line groups are not consistent

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[kovarex] [1.1.26] Can't load my save: transport line groups are not consistent

Post by zontik2012 »

Today I tried to load my last save (I usually start server, so I can step away from game or minimize it without stopping the game), and I couldnt load it.

I tried to load some previous auto-saves, and thankfully I was able to load successfully from the one 15 minutes before manual save.

I tried to google it and it seems like it should've been fixed in one of the previous releases. I'd read it was related to ghosts and it might be what happens here, but I'm not sure as I don't exactly remember what did in the last 15 minutes of my save.

I can say I was using robots and then minimizing the game to allow them to fill blueprints while I do other things. Something related to that maybe? Like different input-output tiers of underground belts?

Attached 2 broken saves (manual and _autosave1 ones), and the working one (_autosave3).

Here's the link to the log, although I didn't find anything useful here.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.26] Can't load my save: transport line groups are not consistent

Post by kovarex »

This case is pretty weird.

The problem is related to underground belt at {318.5, 326.5} and the ghost it is virtually connected to at {311.5, 326.5}.

For some reason, they have incompatibile direction as both are output pieces. This normally doesn't happen, but it somehow happened to you. I would like to have any pointers as how could you get to this state (did you use any commands or something?). The problem is, that the game tries to make them compatibile while loading, which isn't expected way of how the code should work, which causes the transportlines.

I made a fix, so the game wouldn't try to make them compatibile while loading (when prototypes doesn't change).

Also, the transport lines are automatically fixed whenever the save is loaded with different version (of base game or any mod), and I also added special tricky way to force this loading mode by control+clicking the load dialog.

Anyway, consider it to be fixed for the next version.
belts.png (261.07 KiB) Viewed 2640 times
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.26] Can't load my save: transport line groups are not consistent

Post by kovarex »

boskid figured out a way to create a case that happened in the case, which involves ghost + real underground belt, and fast replace direction by belt smart building. So at least one can case how this could be done was fixed.
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