[kovarex] [1.1.8] Using hotkeys while dragging power poles does not place item

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[kovarex] [1.1.8] Using hotkeys while dragging power poles does not place item

Post by rain9441 »

When dragging power poles, it is possible to press a key to change which item you are placing without letting go of the mouse button.

In 1.1.6, the new item would be placed immediately.
In 1.1.8, the item is not placed, and instead will only place when the mouse moves over another tile.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0WnbIL ... e=youtu.be
In this video I am holding the mouse down after placing the pole and not letting go. I press my inserter hotkey to change what I am placing and move my mouse around and it does not place. In the second example I place a pole and hold the mouse button but change the hotkey for inserter before moving my mouse off the pole.
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Re: [1.1.8] Using hotkeys while dragging power poles does not place item

Post by Xorimuth »

The same thing is observed when you are dragging belts, then move your mouse away from the belt line, and then rotate the belt. The (line of) belt will only be placed once you've moved your mouse by a tile.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.8] Using hotkeys while dragging power poles does not place item

Post by kovarex »

I always get surprised of a new way people are using the game.

From what I tested, it doesn't build it when you move to another tile, it just continues the build by dragging, just with a different pole. I had no idea it could be used like this, but it looks like the most logical behaviour, so I'm keeping it this way.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.8] Using hotkeys while dragging power poles does not place item

Post by rain9441 »

I beg you to reconsider.

I created a new technique in speedrunning where I rapidly use hotkeys to change from power poles to other entities (miners, pipes, inserters, and so on). In 1.1.8, the behavior was changed in such a way that it makes it very likely that the entity placed after the pole is missed. Placing a pole on one tile, swapping to the inserter, and holding down the button over the next two tiles is a way to run at full speed placing both power poles and inserters at the same time (as opposed to first placing inserters, then placing power poles).

The player moves at 8.8 tiles per second (give or take, that is what I measured awhile back). In order for this technique to work in 1.1.6, I have between 1/8.8 seconds and 2/8.8 seconds (113ms and 226ms) of time to change hotkeys, depending on when the pole click was made relative to the tile. In 1.1.8, I have between 0 seconds and 1/8.8 seconds (0ms and 113ms) of time to change hotkeys. This is because if I clicked the pole on the tile late and the mouse moved to the next tile too quickly, the inserter will not place in 1.1.8 but it will in 1.1.6.

Whatever change was made cuts the average window from 170ms to 57ms. But even more impactful is that it changes the minimum window down to 0 ms, which effectively means that if I click the power pole late, I have almost no chance to place an entity on the next tile.

Here is an example video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEdqgRkWo-c) if what I'm doing (made in 1.1.6) that I hope can give you a better understanding of why I made this bug report. This is something I started doing but has been hindered by the 1.1.8 change. I don't often ask for changes for speedrunning, but in this case I really do think that it's worth asking for. I can try the same thing in 1.1.8, but in a significant number of cases the inserters are not placed. Note that this isn't solely specific to power poles. If I am placing miners and I hold the button down, then change to something else, it won't place that something else on the tile if the mouse was over the tile when the hotkey was pressed. This was not the case in 1.1.6.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.8] Using hotkeys while dragging power poles does not place item

Post by kovarex »

Thank you into the excursion into lengths speedrunners are willing to go to be faster :)
I made a change, that when changing the entity to be built, the change is applied instantly, instead of when the cursor position is changed.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.8] Using hotkeys while dragging power poles does not place item

Post by rain9441 »

I really appreciate this Kovarex. I can't even put it into words. I'm glad we can have the honor to continue to surprise you with new ways we can play :)
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