[boskid] [1.1.6] Ghost combinator loses settings when placed

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[boskid] [1.1.6] Ghost combinator loses settings when placed

Post by 94m3k1n9 »

I'm trying to build a blueprint containing preconfigured constant combinators manually without bots.

First I load the blueprint and place it, then I pick a constant combinator from my inventory (click in inventory window) and place it on top of a ghost.
Now the combinator settings are gone and I get an unconfigured combinator.
If I place the combinator after selecting it via Q while hovering the ghost instead of picking it from my inventory the settings are kept.
I've been able to reproduce this on the attached fresh game (cheats enabled) after experiencing this issue in a regular vanilla game, no mods involved.
It does not happen all the time, before taking the screencap I've had less success with it keeping the settings.
Since noticing this issue I've had 100% success keeping settings when unselecting the combinator (Q) before placing another one with Q, when picking it up from inventory it varies.
Savegame is after taking the screencap.

Blueprint for testing:

Code: Select all

2020-12-27 06-56-16.mp4
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Re: [1.1.6] Ghost combinator loses settings when placed

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. Issue is now fixed for 1.1.7.

At first i was going to "not a bug" this because when you place an entity with a different direction than ghost's direction and entity supports directions (constant combinator can be rotated), it does not trigger entity revive but instead it removes colliding ghost and places new entity without copying settings, however i checked similar behavior with inserters and they keep settings when placing inserter over ghost with different direction because of fast replace logic. So the fix was to make constant combinator fast replaceable by itself (by specifying a fast_replaceable_group) - that way it works as expected.
Burner Inserter
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Re: [1.1.6] Ghost combinator loses settings when placed

Post by 94m3k1n9 »

great, thanks!
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