Solving common graphic issues

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Solving common graphic issues

Post by posila »

Version 0.17 or newer. Issues can be bad performance, broken graphics or the game simply failing to start.
Version 0.17 requires DirectX 10 capable GPU and uses Direct3D 11 by default on Windows and OpenGL 3.3 core on Linux and macOS. Make sure you have up-to-date graphics drivers, especially drivers older than major update of Windows you are using can cause issues. For nVidia GPUs on Linux, non-free binnary drivers seem to work better than free drivers in some cases.

Unfortunately on GPUs that no longer receive driver updates, you might run into graphics issues that we won't be able to work around. Most notably, OpenGL crashes on 2009 MacBooks with GeForce 9400M and macOS 10.11.6; or despite implementing many workarounds for Intel Sandy Bridge iGPUs (for example Intel HD Graphics 4000) you may experience crashes when using these GPUs.

Note: Version 0.17 heavily utilizes texture compression to greatly reduce VRAM requirements and improve performance by lowering GPU overhead of reading textures. If your GPU is weak, you should use "Low quality" texture compression graphics option, disabling compressing entirely by setting the option to "None" is discouraged even if you have powerful GPU, and you should not try it unless you have powerfull graphics card has with at least 4GB of VRAM.

If the game does not start you need to edit the config-file or use launch options.
How to edit the config-file
Toggle flip presentation model - Windows only
Launch the game in graphics safe mode
Force OpenGL - Windows only
Reduce Memory usage
Reduce Sprite Resolution
Reduce texture size
Steam launch options
Issues with capturing the game footage
If your issue can be solved by one of those measures, then there is no need to make a new report.
Last edited by HanziQ on Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:51 am, edited 9 times in total.
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
Posts: 5447
Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Solving common graphic issues

Post by posila »

Version 0.16.51 or older. Issues can be bad performance, broken graphics or the game simply failing to start.
The most common cause is not enough Video Memory or it being used by other processes.

If the game does not start you need to edit the config-file.
How to edit the config-file
Reduce Memory usage
Reduce Sprite Resolution
Force opengl
Reduce texture size
Steam launch options
If your issue can be solved by one of those measures, then there is no need to make a new report.

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