In my big resource, peaceful map I have a large factory, and when I opened the map up today, parts of it were missing.

Everything withing that screenshot was filled in last night. This problem is also affecting the minimap.
Link to the save
I forgot to post this, but the day after, after I closed the game, the map was fine.slpwnd wrote:The map in your save works just fine on my computer. What system do you have? Does the map stay like this or does it get filled? Does this happen for other maps as well?
Yes, even resizing the window or minimising/maximising does update the map.bigyihsuan wrote:I forgot to post this, but the day after, after I closed the game, the map was fine.slpwnd wrote:The map in your save works just fine on my computer. What system do you have? Does the map stay like this or does it get filled? Does this happen for other maps as well?
So apparently restarting the game fixes it, but I don't know the cause.
Changelog 0.11.21 wrote: Fixed broken map when the player resizes the window while the map is being loaded.