It takes 0.5s to produce Copper Cable, and you get 2 of them in output. The speed of an Assembling Machine 2 is 0.75. Therefore, the production of three Assembling Machine 2's should be 3*2/0.5*0.75*60=540 items per minute.
It takes 0.5s to produce Electronic Circuit. Two Assembling Machine 2's should produce them at a rate of 2/0.5*0.75*60=180 items per minute.
Finally, smelting an Iron Plate takes 3.5 seconds. An Electric Furnace runs at 2x speed, so a single Electric Furnace should be able to produce Iron Plates at a rate of 2/3.5*60=34.29 (approx) items per minute.
Now let's look at the actual game. Here is a game in which I've been doing that (click the "download" icon at the top) - you'll need Y.Petremann's Creative Mode mod and rk84's Test Mode mod in order to run. As you can see:

this is a very simple "factory" containing all three of those production chains.
So now let's look at the P window. 5s is too inconsistent to get useful numbers out; let's skip ahead to 1m.

As you can see, something has already gone wrong. Each production is 11% too fast. But it gets weirder! Check out the 10m stats next:

Now we're about 1.5% too fast. But we're not done yet . . .

Now we're about 1.1% too *slow*. 10h makes things worse:

2.5% too slow. I haven't sat down to try 50h yet, but I'm expecting 3-4% too slow. Oh, and let's take a look at 5s again!

Yeah, that's right - it's wrong by about 45%. Holy moly. Look at that - it says it's completed 66 copper wire, when 1m says 600 copper wire! That means there are less than 50 seconds in a minute! Something is royally broken here.
Note that most of these numbers were gathered with "/c game.speed = 32". However, I assume this uses the same game speed code that the replay system does, and that system would break catastrophically if there were flaws in it. Changing the game speed to normal doesn't cause any visual discontinuities in any graph, nor does it change the numbers on the low-duration graphs, so I'm guessing the game speed isn't a factor here.
So, aside from the obvious bug report, I've got two questions:
* Are any of the production charts accurate?
* Are the producers constructing at the right speed, or is the entire game slightly mistimed?