[kovarex] [1.1.3] Placed pump doesn't rotate when placing inverted ghost over it

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Burner Inserter
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[kovarex] [1.1.3] Placed pump doesn't rotate when placing inverted ghost over it

Post by BlueEnergy »

I tried to rotate a placed pump with the blueprint rotate feature and after a few minutes I saw that the pump wasn't rotated even though the icon for rotating was removed. I thought the pump wpuld rotate using that feature.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Place a pump
2. Try rotating it with a ghost pump
3. Pump doesn't roate after a robot goes to do it

I have tried it multiple times and it has happened every time
Placing the ghost rotated pump on the placed pump
Placing the ghost rotated pump on the placed pump
d.png (103.66 KiB) Viewed 2433 times
Robot going to pump to rotate it
Robot going to pump to rotate it
dd.png (97.84 KiB) Viewed 2433 times
Pump not being rotated
Pump not being rotated
ddd.png (92.12 KiB) Viewed 2433 times
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Re: [kovarex] [1.1.3] Placed pump doesn't rotate when placing inverted ghost over it

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is now fixed for the next release.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:53 am

Re: [kovarex] [1.1.3] Placed pump doesn't rotate when placing inverted ghost over it

Post by BlueEnergy »

Awesome. You are wonderful developers.
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