[1.1.0] Language change from main page does not work

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[1.1.0] Language change from main page does not work

Post by picklock »

What did I do?
I changed the language settings of factorio in the new listbox on the right bottom of the main menu page and restarted factorio as suggested.

What happened?
Nothing! The language was not changed.

What did you expect to happen instead?
I expected that after changing the language setting in the listbox and restarting Factorio that the language was changed as choosen.

To reproduce:
- Start Factorio
- Change the language setting in the listbox on the right bottom of the main menu page.
- End Factorio
- Start Factorio again
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Re: [1.1.0] Language change from main page does not work

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next release.
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Re: [1.1.0] Language change from main page does not work

Post by gyorokpeter »

Doesn't work for me - 1.1.1 (build 57050, win64)
In fact the language selector in the options dialog also doesn't work, I have to quit the game to make it take effect.

EDIT: I noticed there is a little icon that says restart required...
That's hard to notice, usually programs tend to bombard me with dialog boxes whenever I change something that needs a restart.
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