Edit: I observed items being autotrashed correctly but could not be picked up by logibots and I observed items being autotrashed wrongly in other cases. Sometimes both happening at the same occasion.
Example case (with attached save):
- I set exactly 50 splitters (min/max) as logistic request on spidey.
- I moved spidey somewhere outside the log net to build something.
- I returned spidey into log net.
- Missing items get replenished by logibots.
- A logibot delivered one splitter to spidey, so it has 50 splitters again. But that one splitter was put into the autotrash slots and also the logibot now tries to pick it up, but can't for some reason.
- In the attached save it is the green spidertron.
In another case the last four of 100 transport belts were put into the autotrash and a logibot could not pick them up and was stuck on spidertron.
Also if putting too many items in spidey by hand seems to mess something up.
Spidey's max request was 2k rockets and I put 8k rockets into it by hand (Edit 14: while the requested 2k rockets were being delivered by the logibots). 4k rockets were then moved to the autotrash slots, but the logibots could not pick them up. They just hovered over spidey. And yes, the log net had storage chests, where the rockets could be stored.
Edit 13

In the 2nd save you can see the logibots trying to pick up the 4k rockets, but failing.