[Rseding91] [1.1.1] Spidertron: Logistic delivery and pickup problems

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[Rseding91] [1.1.1] Spidertron: Logistic delivery and pickup problems

Post by Impatient »

Something with spidertrons logistics does not work right.

Edit: I observed items being autotrashed correctly but could not be picked up by logibots and I observed items being autotrashed wrongly in other cases. Sometimes both happening at the same occasion.

Example case (with attached save):
- I set exactly 50 splitters (min/max) as logistic request on spidey.
- I moved spidey somewhere outside the log net to build something.
- I returned spidey into log net.
- Missing items get replenished by logibots.
- A logibot delivered one splitter to spidey, so it has 50 splitters again. But that one splitter was put into the autotrash slots and also the logibot now tries to pick it up, but can't for some reason.
- In the attached save
1.1 spidey logistics bug.zip
(2.92 MiB) Downloaded 143 times
it is the green spidertron.

In another case the last four of 100 transport belts were put into the autotrash and a logibot could not pick them up and was stuck on spidertron.

Also if putting too many items in spidey by hand seems to mess something up.

Spidey's max request was 2k rockets and I put 8k rockets into it by hand (Edit 14: while the requested 2k rockets were being delivered by the logibots). 4k rockets were then moved to the autotrash slots, but the logibots could not pick them up. They just hovered over spidey. And yes, the log net had storage chests, where the rockets could be stored.

Edit 13 :roll: :
In the 2nd save
1.1 spidey logistics bug 2.zip
(2.91 MiB) Downloaded 127 times
you can see the logibots trying to pick up the 4k rockets, but failing.
Last edited by Impatient on Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:47 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: [1.1.0] Spidertron: Logistic delivery and pickup problems

Post by Rseding91 »

Can you reproduce this issue in 1.1.1? There were some issues with the logic due to migrations in 1.1.0.
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Re: [1.1.0] Spidertron: Logistic delivery and pickup problems

Post by Impatient »

I can reproduce the case where the bots fail to pick up the rockets in 1.1.1 .

- Load save "1.1 spidey logistics bug.zip" (where the one logibot hangs on the green spidertron).
- On the purple spidertron set a MINIMUM logistic request for 2k explosive rockets. Keep MAX unlimited. (I noticed a another detail of the bug)
- When the logibots start to deliver, take 8k rockets from the infinity chest and insert them manually in the purple spidertron.

- Observed result A: The trash slots of the purple spidertron are filled with rockets, although MAX is set to unlimited.
- Expected result A: All rockets, except the 800 in the launchers are put in the trunk.

- Observed result B: The logibots try to pick up the rockets from the trash, but fail. They keep hovering over purple spidey. (And as this is the save where something went wrong with the splitter order of green spidey, two bots keep trying to pick up the 50th splitter from the green spidertron's trash.)
- Expected result B: The logibots empty purple spideys trash. (And propperly pickup the splitter from green spideys trash and deliver it.)

The other cases (where the 50th splitter or 4 belts get put into trash instead of trunk) I can not reproduce and also could not in 1.1.0 . They happened randomly, me saving just after the splitter incident. The commonality in all these cases is by my observation, that items, which should go to the trunk, are put into the trash and then can not be picked up from there.

I updated the heading for 1.1.1 .
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Re: [1.1.1] Spidertron: Logistic delivery and pickup problems

Post by Rseding91 »

Sorry, I meant with new spiders. The ones in that save are in a broken state due to the migration logic failure from 1.0 to 1.1.
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Re: [1.1.1] Spidertron: Logistic delivery and pickup problems

Post by Impatient »

Ok, tested it with a freshly started game in 1.1.1 . It still is buggy. But I noticed another detail and was also able to reproduce the case where the belt equipment can not be picked up from the trash after building things.

1. The detail I noticed is, that in the case of manually inserting the rockets, the bug only occurs when the logistic request tab is selected when spidey is opened. When it is and you insert 4k rockets, the rockets are immediately put into the trash. No matter if there is a max amount set on the rocket request or not. (Btw, the bug does not happen if inserting the rockets while there is no request set.) On the other hand, if the trunk tab is selected, then everything works fine. If no max value is set, the rockets stay in the trunk, if a max value is set, overflow rockets are moved to the trash and are properly picked up by bots.

2. To reproduce the cases where delivery and pickup is automatic per bots (mentioned in the initial post), without any manual action, do this:
- Load the save It was started in 1.1.1 .
- look at the logistic requests on spidey.
- In the west are two belt balancers. Move spidey there with the remote.
- Deconstruct and rebuild (cut+paste) the balancers. Before rebuilding, wait until all the bots enter spidey, to ensure that the overflow items are put into the trash.
- Now call spidey back into the log net.

- Observe that the bots can not pick up the items from the trash and also do not deliver other items to fullfill the requests. They are just stuck on spidey.

Newest version, steps to reproduce and saves. :)
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Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.1] Spidertron: Logistic delivery and pickup problems

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the steps. It's now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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