- Loaded my 1.0.0 save into 1.1.0
2. What happened?
- FPS/UPS dropped from 17 (at 1.0.0) to 3 (at 1.1.0)
- I let it run for about 10 minutes, but nothing changed
3. What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
- at least equal performance like in 1.0.0
- maybe even better performance than in 1.0.0 (according to changelog there were some belt multithread improvements and this save has a lot of belts)
Save file / logfiles: https://nx7119.your-storageshare.de/s/KC6CWJfgK6wyqTS
Mods: None
Screen 1.0.0: Screen 1.1.0: Offtopic: Amazing game, amazing devs, pls keep on going

edit: updated link