[1.0.0] Crash when resuming time (VehiclePassenger::setPositionWithoutMapRegistration)

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[1.0.0] Crash when resuming time (VehiclePassenger::setPositionWithoutMapRegistration)

Post by Serenity_Twilight »

What did you do?
I loaded up a saved scenario in the Map Editor that I use to test new ideas for train setups. This was only second time using this map, though it already contains a number of trains running in tiny circles to test acceleration.

What Happened?
In preparation for another test, I added 5 additional rail signals and 4 additional trains. Upon attempting to start up time (via clicking the button within the time control interface), the game immediately crashed before advancing even a single tick. This was after having the game run for hours playing in Freeplay. Immediately after the crash, I loaded the game back up, reloaded Train Test in the Map Editor, and immediately attempted to resume time (this time, by pressing Numpad 0), which caused a seemingly identical crash.

What did you expect to happen instead?
I expected time to resume within the map, at x1 speed. As such, any trains from yesterday's test that had not yet run out of fuel from running in circles endlessly would resume motion.

Steps to reproduce the bug
It would appear from my second attempt that merely loading Train Test in the Map Editor and attempting to resume time is enough to trigger the crash.

Miscellaneous Information
  • I have never modded my copy of Factorio, so I can guarantee that it is completely Vanilla.
  • The repeated circles used in yesterday's acceleration test were created via copy-and-paste, and therefore I believe all of the loops share the same pair of station names. As such, I copied train schedules between trains as well.
  • Cargo wagons inventories were not knowingly modified during testing, and thus should all be empty.
  • The map itself was generated with absolute minimum settings. Nothing but the starting water should exist naturally. Note that I DID mine (not delete) the starting space ship gibs. And I did so while time was stopped, so before the fire particle effects and sounds began.
  • Most, if not all, of the trains should be fueled by coal. I also did a small amount of testing with Rocket and Nuclear Fuel, but I believe I changed it all back.
Nothing else comes to mind. As this crash occurs even on a fresh boot of the game, I don't imagine anything I did in Freeplay before entering the Map Editor before the first crash has anything to do with it. I'm not even to trains yet on my Freeplay save. Regardless, I'll upload that one as well, just in case.
Train test.zip
Zipped up scenario folder from the scenario in which the crash occurs. Only ever accessed via the Map Editor.
(738.66 KiB) Downloaded 128 times
The save of the Freeplay game I was playing prior to entering the Map Editor before the crash. Doesn't appear relevant, but I know better than to omit any related information.
(3.24 MiB) Downloaded 133 times
Log from the second crash.
(9.32 KiB) Downloaded 158 times
Log from the original crash.
(11.16 KiB) Downloaded 156 times
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Re: [1.0.0] Crash when resuming time (VehiclePassenger::setPositionWithoutMapRegistration)

Post by boskid »

Nice, it also crashes for me.

Quick way to fix this scenario is to open it in editor, save it through escape menu, exit and then it should work fine. Broken locomotive is the one at the position {-181.98, -52.707}

I also found a way to reproduce this issue:
1/ New single player map
2/ Enter /editor
3/ Place rails and locomotive
4/ While being in editor, enter the locomotive
5/ In escape menu choose "save as scenario"
6/ Quit to main menu and through "map editor" choose to edit existing scenario
7/ When the scenario loads, the locomotive in which editor was in will be occupied while the current editor will not be in any vehicle.

When doing the same reproduction but with car instead of locomotive, the crash may happen around VehiclePassenger::getColor() when loading the scenario in editor without resuming time
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Re: [1.0.0] Crash when resuming time (VehiclePassenger::setPositionWithoutMapRegistration)

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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