[kovarex] [1.0.0] Wrong slider position when requesting items with stack size of 200

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[kovarex] [1.0.0] Wrong slider position when requesting items with stack size of 200

Post by arl85 »

Setting personal logistic requests for an item with a stack size of 200 display wrong position for the quantity slide.

Usually it seems that every slide position is a 1 stack size, but when requesting items with a stack size of 200 (bullets, cables), the slide starts full left (at 0 position) instead of at first tick.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. open inventory
  2. click on an empty personal logistic slot
  3. select an item with stack size = 200 (cables, bullets)
  4. note the position of the slide
compare cables (stack size = 200)
image.jpg (121.3 KiB) Viewed 3039 times
with plastic (stack size = 100)
plastic.jpg (134.18 KiB) Viewed 3039 times
this only happens if the first selected item has a stack of 200; if you first select an item (any stack size, even 200) and then select an item with a stack size of 200, this second selection works correctly
as an example
  1. select red cable (stack size = 200) or plastic (stack size = 100) -> slide is in wrong position

    it also happens if, instead of clicking on an empty slot, you drag an item from the inventory into the personal logistic slot
  2. select green cable (stack size = 200) ->slide is in right position
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Re: [kovarex] [1.0.0] Wrong slider position when requesting items with stack size of 200

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is now fixed for the next release.
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