[posila] [1.0.0] Crash with modded storage tanks: "Tile index out ouf bounds" (texture streaming)

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[posila] [1.0.0] Crash with modded storage tanks: "Tile index out ouf bounds" (texture streaming)

Post by micromario »

I've recently made this mod

Some people have reported crashes when you connect a pipe to the unit however it works fine for most players.


Here is the prototype data

Code: Select all

		name = 'fluid-memory-unit',
		type = 'storage-tank',
		icon = '__fluid-memory-storage__/graphics/icon/fluid-memory-unit.png',
		icon_size = 64,
		fluid_box = {
			base_area = 10000,
			pipe_covers = pipecoverspictures(),
			pipe_connections = {
				{position = {0, 2}},
				{position = {0, -2}},
				{position = {2, 0}},
				{position = {-2, 0}}
		two_direction_only = true,
		collision_box = {{-1.2, -1.2}, {1.2, 1.2}},
		selection_box = {{-1.5, -1.5}, {1.5, 1.5}},
		window_bounding_box = {{-1, -1}, {1, 1}},
		flags = {'placeable-player', 'placeable-neutral', 'hidden', 'not-selectable-in-game', 'not-blueprintable', 'not-deconstructable', 'not-flammable', 'not-upgradable'},
		pictures = {
			picture = nothing,
			fluid_background = nothing,
			window_background = nothing,
			flow_sprite = nothing,
			gas_flow = nothing
		flow_length_in_ticks = 5000,
		collision_mask = {},
		selectable_in_game = false,
		remove_decoratives = 'false'
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Re: [posila] [1.0.0] Crash with modded storage tanks: "Tile index out ouf bounds" (texture streaming)

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
Fixed for 1.1.0.

In the meantime, you can workaround the crash by setting

Code: Select all

priority = "extra-high"
in your 'nothing' sprite definition. Or use util.empty_sprite() instead.
Manual Inserter
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Re: [posila] [1.0.0] Crash with modded storage tanks: "Tile index out ouf bounds" (texture streaming)

Post by kudretbozkurt »

I see the same error at 1.1.x
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