[kovarex] [1.0.0] Replay breaks with multiplayer commands

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Burner Inserter
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[kovarex] [1.0.0] Replay breaks with multiplayer commands

Post by boldviking »

Hey there, I have hosted a nice 300 people Server on the weekend and wanted to make a timelapse replay out of the replay. Sadly the replay desyncs as soon as a multiplayer command has been used. I raised the question on the Factorio discord and Boskid came to the same conclusion. Here an extract from that discord.

To recreate:
- Start a MP server
- Kick a player
- Replay the save file
- Get desync with "Cannot run command (kick) in a singleplayer game.

Is there a way to save the replay? Can the CRC checks be disabled, or allowed to fail so we can still use said replay? Can I overload (or implement myself) said mp commands by editing a lua file?
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Re: [kovarex] [1.0.0] Replay breaks with multiplayer commands

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is now fixed for the 1.1 release.
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