Noise expression error causes crash on Preview

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Noise expression error causes crash on Preview

Post by super_aardvark »

With a certain set of mods, when starting a new game and pressing Play, I get an in-game error popup reading, "Undefined named noise expression 'control-setting:cold:size:multiplier'". I can dismiss the error and continue using the game (though the new game is not started).

If I press Preview in the same circumstance, I get the same error message as a Windows error popup, and when I dismiss that window, Factorio closes.

Expected: the same in-game error message is displayed as for the Play button, and the game doesn't crash.
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Re: Noise expression error causes crash on Preview

Post by Loewchen »

Post the log after a session with the issue please, see my signature.
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Re: Noise expression error causes crash on Preview

Post by Rseding91 »

Can you please zip and upload the mods that cause that error somewhere and then post a link here?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: Noise expression error causes crash on Preview

Post by Xorimuth »

I came across this error whilst modding. Not a big deal, since I just forget to rename the noise expression name I was using.

Just give iron ore the following autoplace:

Code: Select all

autoplace = {
      name = "iron-ore",
      order = "b",
      probability_expression = noise.define_noise_function( function(x, y, tile, map)
          -- Frequency value from map gen settings
          local frequency_multiplier = noise.var("control-setting:ff-seamount:frequency:multiplier")
          local desired_frequency = 0.8 / (64 * 64^2)
          return desired_frequency * frequency_multiplier
      richness_expression = noise.define_noise_function( function(x, y, tile, map)
        return 100000

If you generate a map, it gives the error ingame correctly. If you press "Preview", it crashes with "11.987 Error Util.cpp:86: Undefined named noise expression 'control-setting:ff-seamount:frequency:multiplier'"
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Re: Noise expression error causes crash on Preview

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the reproduction steps. It's now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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