[1.0.0] becoming spectator makes "player.opened=nil" but not fires "on_gui_closed" event

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[1.0.0] becoming spectator makes "player.opened=nil" but not fires "on_gui_closed" event

Post by x2605 »

becoming spectator using

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player.character.destroy() -- or
player.set_controller{type = defines.controllers.spectator} --or other ghost modes...
player.character.die() -- or just killed by something and lose body
closes built-in guis and makes "player.opened = nil" but not fires event "on_gui_closed".

So, CustomGuiElements relying on "on_gui_closed" event still covers screen and doesn't answer to escape key after some situations.

is this intended?
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Re: [1.0.0] becoming spectator makes "player.opened=nil" but not fires "on_gui_closed" event

Post by Rseding91 »

It's more "how it has to work". Invalidating the controller invalidates the gui target and so it can't track that it was closed to fire the event.

The same thing happens when a player gets disconnected, or killed, or any other number of ways a players controller becomes invalid to use.
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