[kovarex] [1.0.0] Map gen reset button hover highlighting options failures

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[kovarex] [1.0.0] Map gen reset button hover highlighting options failures

Post by Qon »

Correct behaviour:
My mouse cursor is hovering over the red reset button to reset back to the preset. Then the options that are changed from the preset are highlighted.
Example: the "Temperatures: Cold Climates" slider arrow is glowing yellow. This is expected behaviour.
The bugs:

But checkboxes that are altered from the preset are not highlighted. Cliffs are on in Default, here it is off and not highlighted.

Also, sliders that are deactivated are not highlighted even if they have been changed. Here the cliff frequency and cliff continuity are shown to look just as they would be if I weren't hovering over the reset button, but they are altered from the Default center position and will be moved if I click it.
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Re: [kovarex] [1.0.0] Map gen reset button hover highlighting options failures

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report.
The checkboxes highlight change was fixed as it should be. It still won't highlight the disabled sliders, as I feel that the highlighting the checkbox when it enables it is enough, and the game generally doesn't have graphical style for highlighting disabled elements.
Smart Inserter
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Re: [kovarex] [1.0.0] Map gen reset button hover highlighting options failures

Post by Qon »

Ok, makes sense. If I'm really curious what would happen to the disabled sliders I can temporarily check the box and then hover the reset button to see if the sliders light up then.

Thanks kovarex :)
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