[kovarex] [0.18.45] Cannot place blueprint with <Shift> when overlapping powerpoles as centre of blueprint

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[kovarex] [0.18.45] Cannot place blueprint with <Shift> when overlapping powerpoles as centre of blueprint

Post by wobbycarly »

I did try a search, with no results, so apologies if this is a duplicate - can't believe no one has reported it.

What did you do?
Tried to place a rail blueprint (shift-click) over some trees, using power poles to line up with the existing rails/poles
What happened?
Nothing happened.
What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I would expect the trees to be marked for deconstruction and the blueprint to be placed.

To replicate, take the attached blueprint and place it in the world. RELEASE THE BOTS and let them do their magic. Once the track has been built, take the same blueprint and overlap the centre power pole in the blueprint with a physical pole in the world. (The pole should be under the cursor) Make sure there are some trees (or cliffs for the masochistic) in the way, that will force you to shift-click, and it won't work.

I think this was introduced with the most recent blueprint changes, because "it used to work"™. I did notice that if I don't shift-click, but just normal click, the power interface is opened, so it seems like the presence of the power pole under the cursor is taking precedence over the laying of the blueprint.

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Re: [kovarex] [0.18.45] Cannot place blueprint with <Shift> when overlapping powerpoles as centre of blueprint

Post by kovarex »

Thx for the report.
I discovered, that this hapepns when you are building from blueprint library, and have the default keybindings (which I don't use).
There is a general logic that defines, whether the entity selection should be allowed or not, which checked whether blueprint is in cursor. But it only checked the old style of blueprint item in cursor, not the blueprint library record.
This means, that the pole under the blueprint got selected, which allowed the "remove cables" shortcut to be activated instead of the "blueprint force building", these have the same shortcut and are used in different contexts normally.

TL;DR Fixed for the next (1.1) release.

Related: 88377
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Re: [kovarex] [0.18.45] Cannot place blueprint with <Shift> when overlapping powerpoles as centre of blueprint

Post by jodokus31 »

This ocurred to me, too. I changed the keybinding for disconnect cable. OK...

BUT, I don't know, if that's related.
I really enjoy, that you can see the state of any focused underlying entity, while holding the blueprint from library in the cursor. IIRC it was not possible before and with this fix, it will get reverted?
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Re: [kovarex] [0.18.45] Cannot place blueprint with <Shift> when overlapping powerpoles as centre of blueprint

Post by kovarex »

Yes, lot of different conflicts like this could happen.
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Re: [kovarex] [0.18.45] Cannot place blueprint with <Shift> when overlapping powerpoles as centre of blueprint

Post by jodokus31 »

I think, it is a nice feature to see the infos, while holding blueprints in hand.
I will observe it and create a topic in ideas & suggestion, if it gets changed...
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