[0.18.29] Jarring movement when zooming during start of tutorial level 1: Crash

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[0.18.29] Jarring movement when zooming during start of tutorial level 1: Crash

Post by Xorimuth »

When loading level 1: Crash, it starts by slowly zooming out. During this sequence, when I scroll 'up'/'down' on my mouse or trackpad, it creates a very jarring zoom as it zooms in/out and then suddenly locks back into the intended zoom level.
Levels 2 and 3 do not start off with this slow zoom out, so there is no issue here. Level 4 ("Science and automation") does have a zoom at the start, but this bug is not present there, so I assume that it is a simple fix in order to make level 1 act like level 4. I have not unlocked level 5 so I cannot confirm.

Note that this is only a problem when I start scrolling. It behaves normally if I don't touch anything.

I am using macOS Catalina 10.15.5.

I appreciate that this is a minor bug so I wouldn't be surprised if it is not fixed, particularly if it only affects a subset of players. On the other hand, this is literally the first thing that a new player experiences, so it would be a good idea to ensure that there is a good first impression.

Video: https://imgur.com/a/ecHcEcC
(13.66 KiB) Downloaded 119 times
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Re: [0.18.29] Jarring movement when zooming during start of tutorial level 1: Crash

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

Its fixed for the next release
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