[0.18.29] Progression pitfall in Tutorial: Crash

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[0.18.29] Progression pitfall in Tutorial: Crash

Post by ManaUser »

When you first learn to smelt ore, triggering the next step (remove plates from furnace) seems to require the following conditions:
  1. Furnace is not processing
  2. Furnace contains an iron plate
  3. No window is open
#3 creates an easy way to mess it up and get (as far as the new player can tell) completely stuck:
Insert fuel, watch the ore processing to plates, and remove them immediately. Even once you close the window, #2 is now false so you can't proceed. The only way to continue is either putting the plates back in or smelting some more without making the same "mistake", neither of which are obvious.

Admittedly I'm not a new player, but taking the plates is a pretty obvious course of action. So either #3 needs to be removed so it always triggers before you have a chance to take them, or better yet, it could also check for the character inventory containing plates and skip to the next objective (craft a burner mining drill) if so.
Last edited by ManaUser on Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [0.18.29] Progression pitfall in Tutorial: Crash

Post by Klonan »

Yea seems pretty reasonable to me,
I removed the GUI check for the next release
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Re: [0.18.29] Progression pitfall in Tutorial: Crash

Post by ManaUser »

Thanks for the quick work as usual.

This is definitely better, but I do note that without the GUI check the arrow intended to point at the furnace appears on top of the GUI. It looks funny, and is perhaps a bit confusing. Still, you've got the text directions in the corner, so I doubt anybody would be held up by this. Just wanted to mention it in case you refine the scenario further at some point.
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Re: [0.18.29] Progression pitfall in Tutorial: Crash

Post by valneq »

This layering issue is not related to changing the GUI check, please see also
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