Using the identical process to set the belt_animation_set property as for transport belts, the loader, loader-1x1, and underground belt entities have the above visual issue.
For additional weirdness, in that flickering you'll notice splitter graphics...
I have a base layer and a tinted mask layer, e.g.:
Code: Select all
transport_belt_animation_set = {
animation_set = {
layers = {
-- Base
filename = reskins.bobs.directory.."/graphics/entity/logistics/transport-belt/transport-belt-1-base.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 64,
height = 64,
frame_count = 16,
direction_count = 20,
hr_version = {
filename = reskins.bobs.directory.."/graphics/entity/logistics/transport-belt/hr-transport-belt-1-base.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 128,
height = 128,
scale = 0.5,
frame_count = 16,
direction_count = 20
-- Mask
filename = reskins.bobs.directory.."/graphics/entity/logistics/transport-belt/transport-belt-1-mask.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 64,
height = 64,
frame_count = 16,
tint = tint,
direction_count = 20,
hr_version = {
filename = reskins.bobs.directory.."/graphics/entity/logistics/transport-belt/hr-transport-belt-1-mask.png",
priority = "extra-high",
width = 128,
height = 128,
scale = 0.5,
frame_count = 16,
tint = tint,
direction_count = 20
Code: Select all
-- Apply belt set
entity.belt_animation_set = reskins.bobs.transport_belt_animation_set(adjusted_tint, variant)
I've attached the save, log, and the two mods that haven't been published to the mod portal yet.
The main mod is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ccgla8ibhqf4 ... 1.zip?dl=0
I cannot successfully attach it to this post (22.5 MB too much?)
Edit: The reason I think it's a bug, is if I comment out one or the other layer, they work individually: