[0.18.13] Cannot select items in "circuit condition" in train schedule

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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[0.18.13] Cannot select items in "circuit condition" in train schedule

Post by twan »

I think there is a bug when selecting signals in Train conditions. When you add a circuit condition to a train schedule, when you want to select a signal and you press a tab to find the item, you can "multiselect" the tabs, but you don't actually go to the tab. You can still search for the item like "Green signal", but you cannot do it via the tab.

Here is a screenshot with six tabs selected: https://imgur.com/wIRcb1z

I use mods though, but it started since the GUI update.
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.18.13] Cannot select items in "circuit condition" in train schedule

Post by Twinsen »

Fixed in Version: 0.18.15.

Thanks for the report.
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