[0.18.13] logistic request GUI double-slider and text input boxes

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Long Handed Inserter
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[0.18.13] logistic request GUI double-slider and text input boxes

Post by sorahn »

Couple of issues I'm seeing with the double slider GUI for logistics

1) If you are using the scroll wheel to move the slider, just clicking the grabber on one side is not enough to select it for the scroll wheel, it actually has to move.
2) no way to tab over to the checkbox to use 'enter' to confirm
3) If you click in the box on the right while it says 'inf' it clears the value in it, but if you don't change it and click out or tab away, it gets reset to 0 and then changes the first box to 0 since the first box can't be higher than the second one
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Re: [0.18.13] logistic request GUI double-slider and text input boxes

Post by Twinsen »

1. Fixed in Version: 0.18.14

2. Unfortunately we don't support tabbing to anything other that text-fields anymore.

3. Also Fixed in Version: 0.18.14
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:35 pm

Re: [0.18.13] logistic request GUI double-slider and text input boxes

Post by sorahn »


Tabbing behavior is understandable. Thanks :)
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