Code: Select all
game.surfaces[1].brightness_visual_weights = { 1 / 0.85, 1 / 0.85, 1 / 0.85 }
Code: Select all
game.surfaces[1].daytime == 0.5

Note that when scrolling the map, the light sources remain static relative to the viewport. i.e., the engineer's light stays centered even as that map scrolls.

Code: Select all
game.surfaces[1].brightness_visual_weights = { 0, 0, 0 }
Special thanks to @IronCartographer for bringing this to my attention and providing screenshots (And just to confirm, I was able to reproduce this on my own.)
Aside from using the commands above, the following steps can reproduce the problem:
1. Install and enable the Clockwork mod. Settings can remain on default.
2. Start a new game.
3. In game, run command:
Code: Select all
/c game.surfaces[1].daytime = 0.5
5. Open the escape menu -> settings -> mod settings -> "map" tab -> set "Pitch Black Nights" to enabled.
6. Close out of the escape menu.
7. Once back to the game, press 'm' again to open the map. Note the light source is now on the map. Scroll around, and note the light source remains fixed relative to the viewport.
8. Open the escape menu again, navigating to the same settings as before. Set "Pitch Black Nights" to disabled.
9. Close out of the escape menu.
10. Once back to the game, press 'm' again to open the map. Note the light source(s) are gone in map view.
A final note: This would be really cool if it could be made into an officially supported feature. That is, if unlit sections of the map could be darkened at night - so lights would be needed to maintain intel outside of daylight hours.