[Oxyd] [0.18.4] Desync from multiplayer (UnitGroup maxSpeed)

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[Oxyd] [0.18.4] Desync from multiplayer (UnitGroup maxSpeed)

Post by dadina »

After playing for a couple of hours I remained idle while my partener kept playing, in a few minutes I got desynced. Afterwards naively I tried to reconnect to his game and again desynced. We don't have so many mods on, here's the desync report:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d_v5U ... DI2TAAQs-g

1. Saved map so I can host it and him to get in the game, after 3 minutes he desynced.
2. Tried to get myself in his hosted game (same play) desynced.
3.Tried the magic of turning it off and on again, tried settings also on my radeon video card (disableing vsync for example)

Note: it's not the first time happening, we lost alot of games like this but now finally pointing it out because we were in a good run.
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Re: [0.18.4] Desync from multiplayer

Post by boskid »

Based on desync report or heavy-mode diffs i see there are differences with biters/spitters position. This may be issue of Rampant but i would have to look exactly where the issue can be. Trying to narrow this issue down i saw that vtk-armor-reach has some issues: there are some "local" missing all around and reference to player or other things goes into lua global scope and is not serialised during save.

By disabling vtk-armor-reach i cannot get any heavy-mode desyncs so i am little confused how could it affect biters position.

-- edit:
I've hit heavy-mode desync with Rampant+RampantArsenal+AlienBiomes, since AlienBiomes does not have control.lua it may be Rampant but this needs more work to pinpoint.
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Re: [0.18.4] Desync from multiplayer

Post by boskid »

Moving to Bug reports since issue was found to be in factorio itself.

Signature of this desync is difference within first 8 bytes in <unit-group-parameters>.
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Re: [0.18.4] Desync from multiplayer (UnitGroup maxSpeed)

Post by Klonan »

Fixed for the next release
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