I do have 8 directions specified, one for each input/output as in the underground-belt remnants. In code, I had been re-using the corpse specification for underground-belts, as they are the most similar entity, but ran into problems.
In my investigation, I found this comment by posila, emphasis mine:
Is it possible to have loaders have the same treatment as underground belts?posila wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:27 am You defined your corpse animation as 1 direction with 4 variations, so it's picking randomly one of the variations.
Note: pipes, walls, heat pipes, and underground belts have special override for orientation based on their connections when they were destroyed (or if it was input or output in case of underground belt), corpses for everything else should inherit direction from the entity that created it.
Edit: Though if that's not the issue, here's the remnants image I'm using at the moment: https://i.imgur.com/LHHA51u.png
What confuses me is it skips over all the horizontal orientation frames, so it's using every other frame. Why would it do that? :C