[0.18.3] Endless pumping animation

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[0.18.3] Endless pumping animation

Post by Zaflis »

I don't know how this happened, but this 1 pump just doesn't want to stop pumping. I have replaced the pump and both sides pipes but it still kept doing it. All other pumps on the map will stop when either target goes full or input dries. But now this "special" pump doesn't even have an output pipe for a test, and the single full input pipe is not draining. Yet it animates. Attached savefile, i could see it still happening when i loaded game.
endless_pumping.jpg (59.41 KiB) Viewed 2401 times
There are loads of mods but QoL in nature, they shouldn't affect this. Well, i can see it is modified by SqueakThrough.
Also this is not on a chunk border.

Edit: Connected pipes again and replaced pump etc didn't help, but i found a workaround. I had to dig off both ends on the top side underground pipe and place them back. So now it stopped. GL debugging that though :?
2020_1_22 Cityblock.zip
(6.6 MiB) Downloaded 150 times
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Re: [0.18.3] Endless pumping animation

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report and the save.
Fixed for 0.18.5
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