[0.18.0] Crash: LuaBootstrap::luaGetEventOrder

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Manual Inserter
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[0.18.0] Crash: LuaBootstrap::luaGetEventOrder

Post by leeh »

Version: 0.18.0

I was playing around with some event handler stuff, and I ended up adding this statement to control.lua which triggered a crash:

Code: Select all

log("order is: " ..script.get_event_order("on_gui_switch_state_changed"))
Tested again a couple of times, and confirmed it can be triggered on a clean install with no other mods when starting a new game. Logfile is attached

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Re: [0.18.0] Crash: LuaBootstrap::luaGetEventOrder

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I've fixed the crash but the code will produce any meaningful results. Running the function during control.lua init will always give back an empty string because not all mods have been fully loaded yet.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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