Flamethrower turrets, where does oil disappear to?

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Flamethrower turrets, where does oil disappear to?

Post by thatguy321 »

When you hover over a flamethrower turret it says that it has 100 oil in it so it stands to reason that 20 flamethrower turrets would contain 2,000 oil. Why then when I connect 20 flamethrower turrets (pic attached) directly to a storage tank (which has 25,000 oil) does the oil level in the storage tank drop to 21,000 instead of 23,000? Where does the other 2,000 oil go? Try it in game to see what I mean.
oil.PNG (258.61 KiB) Viewed 1976 times
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Re: Flamethrower turrets, where does oil disappear to?

Post by boskid »

That is working as intended. Flamethrower turret has fluidbox so it works as pipe, and it has buffer that is filled from fluidbox. In your case there is 4000 fluid taken out of storage tank and that is 20*100 inside buffers and 20*100 inside fluidboxes. If you would place pump to another storage tank you would get back your 2000 of fluid that is just inside fluidboxes of flamethrowers. Fluid in buffer cannot be retrieved back.
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Re: Flamethrower turrets, where does oil disappear to?

Post by thatguy321 »

Thank you for your response! So I do not lose the fluid in the buffer unless I try to pump it out? But the fluid in the buffer is still available to be used as ammunition for the turret?
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Re: Flamethrower turrets, where does oil disappear to?

Post by DaveMcW »

It's confusing that the second fluidbox is not listed in the tooltip.
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