[0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

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[0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by TerraTalpi »

Dear team,
I have a bug to report. If you build a rocket up to 100% and enable "auto-launch with cargo." you can actually cut power, put something with an inserter into the rocket and it will immediately launch without power turned back on.

The reason for that is, that I am playing the fish defense and I want to automatically fill the rocket to 100 fish and then automatically launch. I tried to do that by cutting power after the rocket is built, then enabling an inserter to insert the fish and after that turn power back on again to the rocket silo to acutally auto-launch it.

I also have a blueprint to easily test this here:

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Regards, TerraTalpi
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by TruePikachu »

Strictly speaking, I'm not sure if this is a bug. The power consumption goes to the assembler part of the silo; the rocket parts are the product, and the rocket is the othewise-free product of 100 rocket parts.

The desire can probably be accomplished by using e.g. 10 stack inserters set to stack size 10 all wired together and pulling from separate chests which all have at least 10 fish present.
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by netmand »

I would argue that a rocket is powered by rocket fuel not electricity. And it seems odd to set a rocket to automatically launch then complain that you can't control when it launches.

There's probably several creative approaches to solve your fish defense rocket quest. Keep at it and good luck!
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by TerraTalpi »

Thank you for your replies. Yes, you can actually argue that the rocket does not need power to launch, but it actually drains full electric power during launch.

See bug Ticket named [0.17] Rocket Silo Power Consumption viewtopic.php?f=23&t=65184&p=401007&hil ... it#p401007. So this matter should be decided - drain power upon launch, or do not drain power upon launch...

That was my most creative approach, since the rocket silo does not support being connected to the circuit network to control something. We already tried to place multiple stack-inserters around the rocket to insert the fish, but the stack inserters keep holding the fish except one who placed it. We always only manage to send 12 fish into space then. We'd have to wait just some CPU cycles more before the launch of the rocket so the other inserter can insert the fish as well...

So if this is a wont-fix, probably considering circuit network based launch of the rocket? that would solve it pretty much I think and for future scenarios as well.

Is there already a bug or feature request ticket for rocket silo <-> circuit network control / read / launch? I could not find one, I'd open a new one if that's ok?
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by TruePikachu »

That complicates things slightly, since that thread is categorized NaB; it shows intent that the rocket silo should consume power during the launch, and so it follows that an unpowered launch is a bug. But, of course, it's hard to actually interrupt the launch if power does in fact run out (you can't e.g. slow down or stop the animation sensibly).

What's the electrical buffer on the silo like? I don't have time right now to dig into the prototypes, but this issue can be avoided one way or the other if the buffer is large enough to handle the launch, and launch requires enough power in the buffer. If power gets disconnected, the silo can finish the operation running off the internal power buffer which won't be drained any other way.
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however that's not a bug. The rocket silo does not require power to launch.
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by TruePikachu »

Please take a look at 65184 then, since that thread is a NaB-filed statement that the silo does take power to launch.
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by Rseding91 »

TruePikachu wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 2:39 am Please take a look at 65184 then, since that thread is a NaB-filed statement that the silo does take power to launch.
That's intended. The rocket silo takes the power while it's moving the rocket into the launch position. Once in the launch position it doesn't require that amount of power and goes back to idle power draw. It takes no power to launch.
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Re: [0.17.79] Rocket without power can auto-launch with cargo

Post by coppercoil »

TerraTalpi wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2019 11:29 pm We already tried to place multiple stack-inserters around the rocket to insert the fish, but the stack inserters keep holding the fish except one who placed it. We always only manage to send 12 fish into space then. We'd have to wait just some CPU cycles more before the launch of the rocket so the other inserter can insert the fish as well...
Try to limit the stack to 10 for an empty inserter and then prefill every chest with at least 10 fishes at once. That should sync inserters.
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