[kovarex] [0.17.63] Splitter inconsistent behavior

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[kovarex] [0.17.63] Splitter inconsistent behavior

Post by Jikojin »

I was trying to design a sushi belt. It would get input of 4 belts (total 7 items) and output 1 mixed belt.
The splitter on the right of the screenshot is exactly what i expected, the splitter on the left is letting groups of items pass instead of mixing them.
EDIT: I don't know if splitters are actually supposed to be like this, so I apologize in advance if this isn't a bug and I posted in the wrong place.
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Factorio 0.17.63 splitter.png
Factorio 0.17.63 splitter.png (588.66 KiB) Viewed 5849 times
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Re: [0.17.63] Splitter inconsistent behavior

Post by boskid »

Loewchen wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:32 am viewtopic.php?f=23&t=68797
Nice ref, however:
- this bug report is not duplicate (reference topic is when there are 2 inputs 2 outputs, here there are 2 inputs 1 output)
- it is indeed a valid bug report as this spliter works against what kovarex said:
kovarex wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:23 am If you put two inputs and one output, it will produce a mix.
(at least when considering lower left spliter, only left lanes where there are electronic circuits and production sience packs [2 inputs])
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Re: [0.17.63] Splitter inconsistent behavior

Post by kovarex »

Yes, this is a different case, and it should indeed mix the line that is being merged from 2 belts to 1.
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Re: [kovarex] [0.17.63] Splitter inconsistent behavior

Post by boskid »

Managed to reproduce this with bp
  1. Enter editor (for instand building)
  2. Stamp this bp:
  3. Run time
  4. Wait ~10 seconds
  5. This happens:
    74273-spliter-mixing-failed-on-belt-activity-change.gif (3.81 MiB) Viewed 5619 times
If spliter fails because of change in activity of incoming belts (above reproduction is), then it is highly related to issue 65493
This explanation is very likely: spliter fails to use items at head of transport line because transport line is busy is doing gap compression. (Maybe some off-by-one error? like spliter taking only item if it reaches offset 0 at internal transport line, but gap compression kicks in if there is item "at head" (offset 0 or 1) and this prevents first item to reach offset 0)
-- edit:
From observations of OP save file, this may be valid explanation: when using "show-transport-lines" indeed spliter fails on mixing items when one of input lanes is active due to gap reduction further in transport line. Because of this transport line fills to the end, full transport line does not require gap reduction and so spliter again starts to use given input line.

-- edit (2019.08.31):
Ref 75114
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Re: [kovarex] [0.17.63] Splitter inconsistent behavior

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is fixed for the next release now.
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