[0.17.62] Desyncs with oil-processing recipes.

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[0.17.62] Desyncs with oil-processing recipes.

Post by Adamo »

Getting desyncs related to modded oil-processing recipes. There's nothing special about these recipes and no scripting going on in this mod -- the recipes in question are essentially copies of the oil processing recipes, but with a different resource and products. Any time one of these recipes is used, in either the vanilla refinery or one of my buildings, we get a desync. This occurs whether I use the vanilla refinery or my own fluid processing building.

Code: Select all

natural_gas_processing_recipe = {
	type = "recipe",
	name = "adamo-carbon-basic-natural-gas-processing",
	category = "oil-processing",
	enabled = false,
	energy_required = 5,
	ingredients = {
		{type="fluid", name="adamo-carbon-natural-gas", amount=100, fluidbox_index = 2}
	results= {
		{type="fluid", name="adamo-carbon-methane", amount=80, fluidbox_index = 1},
		{type="fluid", name="petroleum-gas", amount=10, fluidbox_index = 3},
	icon = "__adamo-carbon__/graphics/icons/basic-natural-gas-processing.png",
	icon_size = 32,
	subgroup = "fluid-recipes",
	order = "a[oil-processing]-a1[adamo-carbon-basic-natural-gas-processing]"
adv_natural_gas_processing_recipe = {
	type = "recipe",
	name = "adamo-carbon-advanced-natural-gas-processing",
	category = "oil-processing",
	enabled = false,
	energy_required = 5,
	ingredients = {
		{type="fluid", name="adamo-carbon-natural-gas", amount=200, fluidbox_index = 2},
		--{type="item", name="iron-plate", amount=1}
	results= {
		{type="fluid", name="adamo-carbon-methane", amount=160, fluidbox_index = 1},
		{type="fluid", name="light-oil", amount=10, fluidbox_index = 2},
		{type="fluid", name="petroleum-gas", amount=30, fluidbox_index = 3},
		{type="item", name="sulfur", amount=1},
	icon = "__adamo-carbon__/graphics/icons/advanced-natural-gas-processing.png",
	icon_size = 32,
	subgroup = "fluid-recipes",
	order = "a[oil-processing]-a[adamo-carbon-advanced-natural-gas-processing]"
Full mod attached. As you will see, there is no scripting here: just using the provided prototypes.

Update: It appears I have been able to fix this by not setting fluidbox_index on each of the inputs/outputs: so apparently it may be causing desyncs only when a recipe sets more than one fluidbox_index.
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Re: [0.17.62] Desyncs with oil-processing recipes.

Post by boskid »

There are a lot of diffs in heavy-mode
heavy mode dumps
From my tests, issue is with fluidbox_index (removing them solves issue)
-- edit:
Every test i did gives one conclusion: if there are at least 2 records using fluidbox_index, there is issue. Because there is check for consistent usage (fluidbox_index on all fluids or none), for now if you want two fluids on outputs [1, 3], then you can't
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Re: [0.17.62] Desyncs with oil-processing recipes.

Post by Adamo »

boskid wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:33 am There are a lot of diffs in heavy-mode
heavy mode dumps
From my tests, issue is with fluidbox_index (removing them solves issue)
-- edit:
Every test i did gives one conclusion: if there are at least 2 records using fluidbox_index, there is issue. Because there is check for consistent usage (fluidbox_index on all fluids or none), for now if you want two fluids on outputs [1, 3], then you can't
Thanks for the feedback. I also found that eliminating all but one fluidbox_index in the recipes eliminated the desync issue. However, the existence of two fluidbox_index values in a different recipe does not appear to be causing desyncs. I'll try to remember to check heavy-mode output next time.
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Re: [0.17.62] Desyncs with oil-processing recipes.

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is fixed for the next release now.
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