- Open editor
- Build this:
- Remove cutter underground pipe to get into this state:
- Use upgrade planner to upgrade AM2 into AM3, this will give you this:
- Click left mouse on AM3 to open its GUI
- Crash
- GUI part to fix
- fluid mixing part to fix (ref 73890)
@Dominik: upgrade of steam engine into steam turbine is also sufficient to trigger fluid mixing between steam and other fluid
-- edit:
Same issue may be triggered when using assembler with inputs (like "fill sulfuric acid barrel"). Little different error message:
Code: Select all
944.462 Error ProductionHelper.cpp:270: Failed to create GUI slot: objectIndex: 1, isInput: true, inventory size: 1, fluidBoxManager: true, input size: 0, output size: 0, target specification: source: entity-inventory, target: default, inventory index: 2, slot index: 1, source: 77, extra info: name: assembling-machine-3, fixed-recipe: <null>, current-recipe: fill-crude-oil-barrel, simulation: false, setup: true