[kovarex] [0.17.54] Enter and numpad enter

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[kovarex] [0.17.54] Enter and numpad enter

Post by rowantwig »

The enter and numpad enter keys can sometimes be used to depress the last used button or inventory slot without anything happening. A few examples:

1. In game, click an empty inventory slot, then hit numpad enter. The inventory slot is highlighted yellow but nothing happens. (Enter does nothing.)

2. The same thing happens with the copy/cut/paste/etc buttons with numpad enter. (Enter does nothing.)

3. The buttons by the minimap in the top right corner are not affected by either key.

4. In the main menu, hold the mouse down on a button, drag the mouse off the button, then release. Now you can depress the button with enter and numpad enter without anything happening.

5. Do the same thing with one of the newer buttons, like the green "confirm" button, and enter/numpad enter will actually hit the button.

I'm not sure if you're supposed to be able to hit buttons with the keyboard like this. If you aren't, then enter and numpad enter shouldn't do anything. If you are, then you should probably also be able to navigate between buttons using the arrow keys. Either way it's currently not consistent.
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Re: [kovarex] [0.17.54] Enter and numpad enter

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is fixed for the next version.
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