[0.17.52] +80% Productivity from 4*Prod3 modules (am3@60.5 speed)

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[0.17.52] +80% Productivity from 4*Prod3 modules (am3@60.5 speed)

Post by boskid »

When assembling machine 3 is *very* heavily beaconed up to 60.5 speed (see replay how i did this with editor in vanilla), then am3 with 4*prod3 will have effective productivity of +80% when crafting recipe with 0.5s crafting time. Tested with copper wires (1000 copper gives 3570, that is +78% prod) and gears (2000 iron gives 1806 gears, that is +80% prod).

For reproduction, watch replay for following save [0.17.52]:
(207.07 KiB) Downloaded 501 times

In vanilla this issue is minor, however may affect mods with assemblers with high speed, beacons with long range and modules better than speed3

btw: collision check for clone in editor may need to be improved.

-- edit:
+94% prod bonus when am3@70.5 speed (same save but extended by adding more beacons around assembler)
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Re: [0.17.52] +80% Productivity from 4*Prod3 modules (am3@60.5 speed)

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however I'm not going to change anything around this. If mods use crazy numbers then you get crazy results.

The primary problem is producing > 100% of a craft in 1 tick and it just doesn't work when mods try to do it.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [0.17.52] +80% Productivity from 4*Prod3 modules (am3@60.5 speed)

Post by cows250 »


I thought I should add on to this report rather than a new one, as the problem hasn't changed. However, I do know what values it looks like the game is grabbing, and a possible solution (with no idea if it is feasible.)

If crafting speed exceeds allowed the formula used is as follows:
1/6000 times Productivity % divided by Recipe craft time times Crafting Speed times Number of Crafts equals Bonus Crafts

Using an example of Basic electrical components in BA I can get
1/6000 * 120 / 2 * 1156 * 1000 crafts = 11560 bonus crafts (12560 total crafts).....total should be 100% + 120% = 2200 crafts

While this example is silly fast, the same math works, even if the machine is just barely over the limit:
1/6000 * 20 / 2 * 122.4 * 1000 crafts = 204 bonus crafts (1204 total crafts)....total should be 100% + 20% = 1200 crafts

Different recipes in different machines all yield the same results when tested at any point above the crafting limit of 60 * recipe time.

I have zero coding experience, but to me the issue is that the formula is grabbing the wrong numbers. Crafting speed/recipe time/and the 1/6000 constant are all unnecessary. The only number the machine needs is the productivity %.

So if it was coded as:
IF crafting speed exceeds limit THEN production equals base level (100%) plus total of productivity mods (120%) OUTPUT 2.2 of a recipe.

The game is already doing a flawless job of tracking resource input, base crafts, productivity bonus rollover, ect. It doesn't matter if the machine completes its cycle in 5 seconds or 5 minutes.

Anyway, I thought I should report as I have never seen the formula the game is erroneously using in any of the other bug reports. Hope this helps, thanks for the great game.
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Re: [0.17.52] +80% Productivity from 4*Prod3 modules (am3@60.5 speed)

Post by Rseding91 »

This is now fixed for 2.0.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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