[0.17.46] Map Editor: Placing a single corpse is very difficult

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[0.17.46] Map Editor: Placing a single corpse is very difficult

Post by Gergely »

In the map editor, I would like to place a single character corpse. Unfortunately, whenever I click, it places more than one (one per tick) and it's quite difficult to determine when exactly is one placed. This is probably not a bug. But it's also likely not working as intended. (Where should I post those anyway?)

This makes it hard to place exactly one corpse: I have to make sure my click lasts exactly one in-game tick. In order to be able to do that, I have to deliberately slow the game down: (Editor can only slow it down to 15fps which is not quite enough...)
  1. Pause the game
  2. Set up tons of "blood-explosion-huge" entities
  3. Start the game
  4. Watch the fps drop under 5 and listen to the computer coolers spin
  5. Finally place the corpse while being careful not to place more than one... The sound of it helps.
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Re: [0.17.46] Map Editor: Placing a single corpse is very difficult

Post by Loewchen »

As a workaround, brush placement with minimum size and maximum intensity works way better than cursor placement.
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Re: [0.17.46] Map Editor: Placing a single corpse is very difficult

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I was slightly confused about this because placing corpses actually works just fine. It's specifically the character-corpse that doesn't (which is distinct from normal corpses in the game engine).

It's now fixed for the next version of 0.17.
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