[Twinsen][0.17.45] Show station/player name inconsistently auto-toggling on with alt button

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[Twinsen][0.17.45] Show station/player name inconsistently auto-toggling on with alt button

Post by PLLovervoltage »

1. In map mode deselect showing everything (logistics network, electric network, turret coverage, etc).
one.PNG (22.12 KiB) Viewed 2358 times

2. Toggle on any of the options except for station/player name. eg. toggle on robotics network
two.PNG (21.97 KiB) Viewed 2358 times

3. Press alt to toggle the selected options off.
three.PNG (22.29 KiB) Viewed 2358 times

4. Click on any of the buttons to toggle on any of the options again. eg. toggle robotics network on again
four.PNG (25.59 KiB) Viewed 2358 times

Unexpected behavior
Show 'station name' and 'player name' gets enabled automatically.
Show 'player name' gets enabled without the toggle button toggling.

Expected behavior
Only the selected option (in this example show 'robotics networks') gets toggled on.
Show 'station name'/'player name' stays off.
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Re: [Twinsen][0.17.45] Show station/player name inconsistently auto-toggling on with alt button

Post by Twinsen »

According to the code, that was kind of "working as intended". But I changed this specific thing about it.
So fixed in Version: 0.17.47

So the way it works now(and before except for the first point):
- 'station name' and 'player name' are not affected by Alt or other buttons
- first 4 buttons can be toggled by Alt
- when Alt is disabled, enabling a button gets rid of the previously saved Alt selection

If that sounds confusing it's because it is.
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