[Bilka] [0.17.41]Crash when using table_size() with no argument

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Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
Posts: 1352
Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:51 pm

[Bilka] [0.17.41]Crash when using table_size() with no argument

Post by Choumiko »

To reproduce:

Code: Select all

/c table_size()
Expected result: Probably the same error i get when doing table_size(nil)

Code: Select all

   0.000 2019-05-21 13:50:08; Factorio 0.17.41 (build 45035, linux64, alpha)
   0.066 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)
   0.066 Program arguments: "./factorio" 
   0.066 Read data path: /home/choumiko/factorio/data
   0.066 Write data path: /home/choumiko/factorio [26099/195884MB]
   0.066 Binaries path: /home/choumiko/factorio/bin
   0.071 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 8 cores, RAM: 15990 MB]
   0.071 Display options: [FullScreen: 0] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: custom (100.0%)] [Native DPI: 1] [Screen: 0] [Special: 00] [Lang: en]
   0.219 Available displays: 2
   0.219  [0]: PLX2783H 27" - {[1920,0], 1920x1080, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888, 60Hz}
   0.219  [1]: SMBX2450 24" - {[0,0], 1920x1080, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888, 60Hz}
   0.351 Initialised OpenGL:[0] GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2; driver: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 390.116
   0.351   [Extensions] s3tc:yes; KHR_debug:yes; ARB_clear_texture:yes, ARB_copy_image:yes
   0.351   [Version] 3.3
   0.366 Graphics settings preset: very-high
   0.366   Dedicated video memory size 8192 MB
   0.366 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 100%] [DXT: high-quality]
   0.366                   [Max load threads: 32] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 0] [Rotation quality: normal] [Color: 32bit]
   0.454 Info ModManager.cpp:240: Found duplicate mod AutoTrash, using higher version (4.0.6 > 4.0.5).
   0.479 Info ModManager.cpp:240: Found duplicate mod MultipleUnitTrainControl, using higher version (0.1.16 > 0.1.12).
   0.562 Loading mod settings ModuleInserter 4.0.5 (settings.lua)
   0.562 Loading mod settings SmartTrains 4.0.4 (settings.lua)
   0.562 Loading mod settings AutoTrash 4.0.6 (settings.lua)
   0.562 Loading mod settings FARL 3.1.10 (settings.lua)
   0.563 Loading mod settings Bio_Industries 0.17.20 (settings.lua)
   0.565 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.638 Loading mod base 0.17.41 (data.lua)
   0.778 Loading mod ModuleInserter 4.0.5 (data.lua)
   0.850 Loading mod SmartTrains 4.0.4 (data.lua)
   0.922 Loading mod TheFatController 4.0.9 (data.lua)
   0.994 Loading mod AutoTrash 4.0.6 (data.lua)
   1.002 Script @__AutoTrash__/data.lua:56: {
  parent = "logistic_button_selected_slot",
  type = "button_style"
   1.064 Loading mod FARL 3.1.10 (data.lua)
   1.136 Loading mod Bio_Industries 0.17.20 (data.lua)
   1.230 Loading mod base 0.17.41 (data-updates.lua)
   1.307 Loading mod FARL 3.1.10 (data-updates.lua)
   1.386 Loading mod Bio_Industries 0.17.20 (data-updates.lua)
   Removed a ton of mod output
   1.486 Loading mod FARL 3.1.10 (data-final-fixes.lua)
   1.561 Loading mod Bio_Industries 0.17.20 (data-final-fixes.lua)
   1.649 Checksum for core: 2471542020
   1.649 Checksum of base: 2846917065
   1.649 Checksum of ModuleInserter: 1135162482
   1.649 Checksum of SmartTrains: 896694329
   1.649 Checksum of TheFatController: 2729857604
   1.649 Checksum of AutoTrash: 2300984310
   1.649 Checksum of FARL: 2813802960
   1.649 Checksum of Bio_Industries: 1353633346
   1.798 Loading sounds...
   1.812 Info PlayerData.cpp:67: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1558431005
   1.812 Info PlayerData.cpp:74: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
   1.892 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
   1.912 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16384 [none]
   1.915 Created atlas bitmap 16384x11928 [none]
   1.915 Created atlas bitmap 8192x3872 [decal]
   1.916 Created atlas bitmap 16384x4544 [low-object]
   1.916 Created atlas bitmap 2048x256 [icon-background, not-compressed, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, , no-crop, no-scale]
   1.916 Created atlas bitmap 8192x3552 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
   1.916 Created atlas bitmap 16384x6928 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level, no-crop]
   1.916 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1600 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
   1.917 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1496 [not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
   1.917 Created atlas bitmap 48x48 [low-object, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
   1.917 Created atlas bitmap 8192x1496 [alpha-mask]
   1.919 Created atlas bitmap 16384x12640 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   1.919 Created atlas bitmap 8192x2352 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
   2.549 Atlases loaded from disk cache.
   2.556 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
   2.557 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 0)
   2.588 Sprites loaded
   2.615 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [3] of size 16384x4544   
   2.624 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [5] of size 8192x3552   
   2.648 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [6] of size 16384x6928   
   2.650 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [7] of size 4096x1600   
   2.655 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [8] of size 4096x1496   
   2.656 Generated mipmaps (4) for atlas [9] of size 48x48   
   2.658 Generated mipmaps (3) for atlas [12] of size 8192x2352   
   2.661 Custom inputs active: 10
   2.706 Factorio initialised
   2.708 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading https://updater.factorio.com/updater/get-available-versions?username=Choumiko&token=<private>&apiVersion=2
   3.535 0 packages available to download (experimental updates enabled).
  27.393 Loading map /home/choumiko/factorio/saves/_autosave1.zip: 2724184 bytes.
  27.429 Loading level.dat: 4296712 bytes.
  27.432 Info Scenario.cpp:187: Map version 0.17.41-0
  27.435 Info PrototypeMigrationList.cpp:60: Activating migration Bio_Industries/Bio_Industries_0.17.19.json
  27.675 Loading script.dat: 515452 bytes.
  27.677 Checksum for script /home/choumiko/factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 412551764
  27.679 Checksum for script __ModuleInserter__/control.lua: 1516099697
  27.684 Checksum for script __SmartTrains__/control.lua: 1043176721
  27.688 Checksum for script __TheFatController__/control.lua: 2136397558
  27.691 Checksum for script __AutoTrash__/control.lua: 1676142425
  27.698 Checksum for script __FARL__/control.lua: 1119400547
  27.706 Checksum for script __Bio_Industries__/control.lua: 4173309451
  27.708 Script @__FARL__/control.lua:875: remote.call('farl', 'add_entity_to_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to defines.events.script_raised_built and/or defines.events.script_raised_destroy instead.
  27.708 Script @__FARL__/control.lua:875: remote.call('farl', 'add_entity_to_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to defines.events.script_raised_built and/or defines.events.script_raised_destroy instead.
  27.709 Applying migration: Bio Industries: Bio_Industries_0.17.11.lua
  27.710 Applying migration: Bio Industries: Bio_Industries_0.17.13.lua
  27.711 Applying migration: Bio Industries: Bio_Industries_0.17.2.lua
  27.712 Applying migration: Bio Industries: Bio_Industries_0.17.6.lua
  27.717 Script @__AutoTrash__/control.lua:245: on_load
  27.717 Script @__AutoTrash__/control.lua:239: not registering on_player_trash_inventory_changed
  27.733 Checksum for script /home/choumiko/factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 412551764
  27.736 Checksum for script __ModuleInserter__/control.lua: 1516099697
  27.740 Checksum for script __SmartTrains__/control.lua: 1043176721
  27.744 Checksum for script __TheFatController__/control.lua: 2136397558
  27.747 Checksum for script __AutoTrash__/control.lua: 1676142425
  27.754 Checksum for script __FARL__/control.lua: 1119400547
  27.762 Checksum for script __Bio_Industries__/control.lua: 4173309451
  27.767 Script @__AutoTrash__/control.lua:245: on_load
  27.767 Script @__AutoTrash__/control.lua:239: not registering on_player_trash_inventory_changed
  27.770 Script @__FARL__/control.lua:875: remote.call('farl', 'add_entity_to_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to defines.events.script_raised_built and/or defines.events.script_raised_destroy instead.
  27.770 Script @__FARL__/control.lua:875: remote.call('farl', 'add_entity_to_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to defines.events.script_raised_built and/or defines.events.script_raised_destroy instead.
  27.775 Script @__AutoTrash__/gui.lua:784: init gui
  27.775 Script @__AutoTrash__/control.lua:245: on_load
  27.775 Script @__AutoTrash__/control.lua:239: not registering on_player_trash_inventory_changed
  27.775 Script @__FARL__/lib_control.lua:21: 36403 FARL version changed from 3.1.9 to 3.1.10
  27.775 Script @__FARL__/lib_control.lua:22: stack traceback:
	__FARL__/lib_control.lua:22: in function 'debugDump'
	__FARL__/control.lua:221: in function <__FARL__/control.lua:211>
  27.778 Script @__FARL__/control.lua:875: remote.call('farl', 'add_entity_to_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to defines.events.script_raised_built and/or defines.events.script_raised_destroy instead.
  27.778 Script @__FARL__/control.lua:875: remote.call('farl', 'add_entity_to_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to defines.events.script_raised_built and/or defines.events.script_raised_destroy instead.
 114.920 idx != 0 && -idx <= L->top - (ci->func + 1) invalid index
 114.921 Time travel logging:
  27.786 Popped blueprint record (player-index: 0, ID: 72)
  90.837 Player 0 ran command: log(table_size(nil))
 114.920 Player 0 ran command: table_size()
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
Raw stacktrace: 0xae87cb, 0xc941bd, 0xb76755, 0xb76a78, 0xb76ad9, 0x3ef20, 0, 0xb, 0x516860, 0x14edbae, 0x14f3f01, 0x58b417, 0x14f719b, 0x150867c, 0x14f7398, 0x14f73e9, 0x14f7449, 0x14f1c96, 0xdf9872, 0xe171d6, 0xe17912, 0xdf6866, 0xdf6b13, 0xc640ec, 0x7f7acc, 0xa9255c, 0xf41e73, 0xf424a0, 0xb00d91, 0x1848e9f, 0x76db, 0
 119.077 Warning Logger.cpp:510: Symbols.size() == 47, usedSize == 31
#0  0x0000000000c941bd in std::__uniq_ptr_impl<LoggerFileWriteStream, std::default_delete<LoggerFileWriteStream> >::_M_ptr() const at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/unique_ptr.h:150
#1  0x0000000000b76755 in std::unique_ptr<LoggerFileWriteStream, std::default_delete<LoggerFileWriteStream> >::get() const at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/unique_ptr.h:343
#2  0x0000000000b76a78 in std::unique_ptr<LoggerFileWriteStream, std::default_delete<LoggerFileWriteStream> >::operator->() const at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/unique_ptr.h:337
#3  0x0000000000b76ad9 in Logger::flush() at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/Logger.cpp:548
#4  0x000000000003ef20 in Logger::logStacktrace(StackTraceInfo*) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/Logger.cpp:534
#5  (nil) in GlobalContext::getMap() at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/GlobalContext.cpp:1807
#6  0x000000000000000b in CrashHandler::writeStackTrace(CrashHandler::CrashReason) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:176
#7  0x0000000000516860 in CrashHandler::commonSignalHandler(int) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:578
#8  0x00000000014edbae in CrashHandler::SignalHandler(int) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:592
#9  0x00000000014f3f01 in ?? at ??:0
#10 0x000000000058b417 in ?? at ??:0
#11 0x00000000014f719b in ?? at ??:0
#12 0x000000000150867c in std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose(std::allocator<char> const&) [clone .isra.56] [clone .part.57] at /usr/include/c++/8/ext/atomicity.h:81
#13 0x00000000014f7398 in std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose(std::allocator<char> const&) at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/basic_string.h:3247
#14 0x00000000014f73e9 in index2addr at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/lapi.c:81
#15 0x00000000014f7449 in lua_type at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/lapi.c:276
#16 0x00000000014f1c96 in luaL_checktype at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/lauxlib.c:345
#17 0x0000000000df9872 in LuaHelper::getTableSize(lua_State*) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/LuaHelper.cpp:137
#18 0x0000000000e171d6 in luaD_precall(lua_State*, lua_TValue*, int) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/ldo.c:350
#19 0x0000000000e17912 in luaV_execute(lua_State*) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/lvm.c:710 (discriminator 3)
#20 0x0000000000df6866 in luaD_call(lua_State*, lua_TValue*, int, int) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/ldo.c:424
#21 0x0000000000df6b13 in luaD_rawrunprotected(lua_State*, void (*)(lua_State*, void*), void*) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/ldo.c:165
#22 0x0000000000c640ec in luaD_pcall(lua_State*, void (*)(lua_State*, void*), void*, long, long) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/ldo.c:623
#23 0x00000000007f7acc in lua_pcallk at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/libraries/Lua/lapi.c:1071
#24 0x0000000000a9255c in LuaGameScript::runLuaCommand(std::string const&, CommandSource const&, bool) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Script/LuaGameScript.cpp:1356 (discriminator 3)
#25 0x0000000000f41e73 in __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<std::unique_ptr<LuaGameScript, std::default_delete<LuaGameScript> >*, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LuaGameScript, std::default_delete<LuaGameScript> >, std::allocator<std::unique_ptr<LuaGameScript, std::default_delete<LuaGameScript> > > > >::__normal_iterator(std::unique_ptr<LuaGameScript, std::default_delete<LuaGameScript> >* const&) at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/stl_iterator.h:781
#26 0x0000000000f424a0 in std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LuaGameScript, std::default_delete<LuaGameScript> >, std::allocator<std::unique_ptr<LuaGameScript, std::default_delete<LuaGameScript> > > >::end() at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/stl_vector.h:717
#27 0x0000000000b00d91 in LuaContext::setCallingInfo(Player*, RemoteInterfaceID const*) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Script/LuaContext.cpp:361
#28 0x0000000001848e9f in operator() at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Script/LuaContext.cpp:244
#29 0x00000000000076db in ~ScopedCallback at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/ScopedCallback.hpp:54
#30 (nil) in LuaContext::runLuaCommand(std::string const&, CommandSource const&, RemoteInterfaceID const*, bool) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Script/LuaContext.cpp:244
#31 (nil) in CommandProcessor::doExecuteCommand(CommandSource const&, std::string const&, bool, bool) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/CommandProcessor.cpp:1447
#32 0xfffffe12ffffff01 in CommandProcessor::process(CommandSource const&, std::string) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/CommandProcessor.cpp:247
#33 0xfffffe02ffffff18 in std::string::_M_rep() const at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/basic_string.h:3303
#34 0xfffffe03ffffff09 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/basic_string.h:3621
#35 0xfffffe0cffffff01 in GameActionHandler::writeToConsole(InputAction const&, Player*) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/GameActionHandler.cpp:3556
#36 0xfffffe1affffff1f in GameActionHandler::actionPerformed(InputAction const&) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/GameActionHandler.cpp:325 (discriminator 4)
#37 0xfffffe0dffffff17 in InputHandler::flushToListeners(InputAction const&, bool) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Input/InputHandler.cpp:72
#38 0xfffffe05ffffff10 in InputHandler::flushActions(bool, unsigned int) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Input/InputHandler.cpp:64
#39 0xfffffe06ffffff1f in GameActionHandler::update() at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/GameActionHandler.cpp:366
#40 0xfffffe0bffffff02 in MainLoop::gameUpdateStep(MultiplayerManagerBase*, Scenario*, AppManager*, MainLoop::HeavyMode) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/MainLoop.cpp:1149
#41 0xfffffe05ffffff1b in MainLoop::gameUpdateLoop(MainLoop::HeavyMode) at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/MainLoop.cpp:1022
#42 0xfffffe13ffffff17 in std::function<void ()>::operator=(decltype(nullptr)) at /usr/include/c++/8/bits/std_function.h:495
#43 0xfffffe1effffff14 in WorkerThread::loop() at /tmp/factorio-build-rggSjM/src/Util/WorkerThread.cpp:42
#44 0xfffffe0dffffff1f in execute_native_thread_routine at blake2s.c:?
#45 0xfffffe11ffffff19 in ?? at ??:0
#46 0xfffffe10ffffff14 in ?? at ??:0
Stack trace logging done
 123.266 Warning Logger.cpp:510: Symbols.size() == 42, usedSize == 30
 123.266 Error CrashHandler.cpp:177: Map tick at moment of crash: 44753
 123.266 Error Util.cpp:97: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
 152.832 Uploading log file
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
Posts: 3328
Joined: Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:20 am

Re: [0.17.41]Crash when using table_size() with no argument

Post by Bilka »

Thanks for the report, fixed for the next version.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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