[Twinsen][0.17.38] Copy / Paste / Pipette puts blueprints in inventory

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[Twinsen][0.17.38] Copy / Paste / Pipette puts blueprints in inventory

Post by rain9441 »

I've been playing vanilla for awhile and have been noticing that after copying and pasting blueprints I often have an assortment of blueprints placed in my inventory. My keybindings are highly customized. I wasn't able to find anyone else who could reproduce the issue so it definitely has something to do with my keybindings. I've attached my config ini file which contains all the keybindings.

It is very easy to reproduce and can be done in a new game.

Please keep in mind the keybindings I use are not standard. Use YGHJ to move if needed. U is inventory. I use my left thumb on alt instead of shift/ctrl.

1) Place an item (stone furnace). (use U to open inventory)
2) Copy by using the copy keyboard shortcut (Alt-U)
3) Left click anywhere on the map near by to place the blueprint
4) Clear the tool by using the pipette shortcut (R)
5) Check your inventory (U): Note that there is no blueprint is in your inventory - this is expected behavior.

6) Copy by using the copy keyboard shortcut (Alt-U)
7) Alt-Left click anywhere on the map near by to place the blueprint as a ghost (eg over the top of trees).
8) Clear the tool by using the pipette shortcut (R)
9) Check your inventory (U): The blueprint is there. It should not be.

If you paste while holding the alt key, it will cause your pipette tool button to place the blueprint in your inventory. If you change your tool to another item by using another keyboard shortcut (EG pressing F to select the 1st row / 1st column hotbar), no blueprint is created.

If the keybindings are too annoying to test, I can create a video.
keybindings causing error
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Re: [Twinsen][0.17.38] Copy / Paste / Pipette puts blueprints in inventory

Post by Twinsen »

Testing with those keys was really something :)
The problem was caused by fast transfer being called (since alt+click is fast transfer in your config).

Fixed in Version: 0.17.39.
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