When in OSX native fullscreen mode, applying mod changes seems to not close the fullscreen window before making a new one, resulting in a "phantom" window with full black. These spaces disappear when factorio is closed either by cmd+q or by clicking "Exit" on the main menu.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Start factorio on OSX, it should start in a window on your desktop
2. Set Factorio to fullscreen by clicking the green "expand" button or dragging it up with mission control
3. Apply a change in the Mods menu of Factorio and confirm, which will trigger a game restart
4. OSX will switch over to the desktop where a new factorio window will show, in windowed mode.
The old fullscreen space should be black, and will switch to the "real" version of factorio after a couple of seconds of being on that space. This process can be repeated as many times as you "want" to make as many black windows as you like.
These will all disappear when the application is completely closed. I think the problem is that factorio doesn't appear to fully quit the application, more like a "soft" restart, and there's some code missing to completely dispose of the old window space.
NOTE: The example in the screenshot below was launched through steam and had the overlay enabled, however the standalone app does the same thing.
Please see the below screenshot for an example of the bug in action.
I have attached both log files, since part of the bug involves the program "restarting" it created a factorio-previous log. These logs are from right after I performed the steps above to produce a single blank duplicate.