[0.17.21] Game Screen flickering when Accumulators discharging

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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[0.17.21] Game Screen flickering when Accumulators discharging

Post by Speiger »

I have a weird bug with factorio 0.17.21 where if i have a large accumulator field discharging and it fills 50% of my screen (zoomed out to max) it will cause to go black and then game content in around 100-500ms intervals. (Maybe a bit faster/slower)

I have asked my friends if that happen to them and no it only happens to me. (Also possible in map view)

My Stats:
Windows 10 Pro
Gainward Geforce 1060 GTX (Phönix Edition)
Intel i5 7500,
Full Window mode (bordered)
Default settings in UI. (Back from 0.16)

If any more info is needed then I am glad to help.

Edit: One friend of mine has the same GPU but i5 4590 and he runs an Arch Linux but there it does not happen. Seems to be a Windows Specific bug.
Edit: Missed the detail that the this only happens when discharging.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.17.21] Game Screen flickering when Accumulators discharging

Post by Speiger »

Fixed as of latest factorio version.
Either rendering got fixed or windows had a patch.
No idea, but good that this is fixed.
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Re: [0.17.21] Game Screen flickering when Accumulators discharging

Post by posila »

Thanks for the update.
In 0.17.32, I changed accumulator sprite definition so that all accumulator sprites have the same priority. Before, accumulator base and lightning overlay could have ended up in different atlases, breaking sprite batching and resulting in thousands of draw calls when rendering big accumulator array.

So underlying issues seems to be - large number of draw calls causes screen to flicker (on some computers), and that has not been fixed.
However, I'll move this to resolved and keep the general flicker issue under 69022
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.17.21] Game Screen flickering when Accumulators discharging

Post by Speiger »

ok good to know, if it shows up again i will report to it again.
Interesting that this only happend in windows, could be that the draw call batches are different depending on the system/driver.
Since the same GPU but on linux had no issues whatsoever. (though cpu was different)
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Sat Jul 30, 2016 9:45 pm

Re: [0.17.21] Game Screen flickering when Accumulators discharging

Post by Speiger »

Ok the bug is not fixed yet.
Having a large combinator build (like a tetris game blueprint) placed causes the screen to go completly dark on certain zoom levels. (Like you can see that 1 zoom level has this issues, and not the biggest one)
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