[wheybags] [0.17.17] Game crashes when editing misspelled font modifier in train station

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[wheybags] [0.17.17] Game crashes when editing misspelled font modifier in train station

Post by OctTheFirst »

Hi, I was experimenting with the new rich text feature for my train station names and I wanted to use the "default-large" font for the station name. I accidentally entered in [font=deafult-large] for the opening set of brackets and [/font] for the closing set. After confirming that, if I go back and try to edit the misspelled opening set of brackets from anywhere between the = sign and ], the game crashes. If I delete either of the brackets or anything within the "font=" portion of the opening set of brackets, the game is fine with that and behaves normally.

I was able to easily replicate this problem. I also tested it separate times using the default font spelled as "deafult", a single letter after the = sign in the opening bracket, random letters after the = sign in the opening bracket, and a misspelled "heading-1" after the = sign in the opening bracket; all of these crashed the game. I noticed the game only seems to crash with the closing bracket also present at the end of the station name, otherwise it behaves normally.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ibiXl ... CmumCUjrgg

This isn't the original crash log, but it is the final one from my testing of the issue. Hopefully since the cause is easy to replicate, it is the same or similar to the initial crash.
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Re: [wheybags] [0.17.17] Game crashes when editing misspelled font modifier in train station

Post by wheybags »

Thanks for the report. Fixed for the next release
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