[0.17.4] incomplete map-gen-settings.example.json

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Long Handed Inserter
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[0.17.4] incomplete map-gen-settings.example.json

Post by Eiermann »

The new server files for 0.17.4 should contain the new map-gen-settings with percentage values. The only solution currently is generating a new map inside the GUI and upload the map to the server via scp or rsync.
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Re: [0.17.4] incomplete map-gen-settings.example.json

Post by TOGoS »

An updated map-gen-settings.example.json will be included in 0.17.6.

For the impatient,

Code: Select all

  "_terrain_segmentation_comment": "Inverse of map scale",
  "terrain_segmentation": 1,
    "Multiplier for water 'coverage' - higher increases the water level.",
    "Water level = 10 * log2(this value)"
  "water": 1,
  "_comment_width+height": "Width and height of map, in tiles; 0 means infinite",
  "width": 0,
  "height": 0,
  "_starting_area_comment": "Multiplier for 'biter free zone radius'",
  "starting_area": "normal",
  "peaceful_mode": false,
    "coal": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1, "richness": 1},
    "stone": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1, "richness": 1},
    "copper-ore": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1,"richness": 1},
    "iron-ore": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1, "richness": 1},
    "uranium-ore": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1, "richness": 1},
    "crude-oil": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1, "richness": 1},
    "trees": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1, "richness": 1},
    "enemy-base": {"frequency": 1, "size": 1, "richness": 1}
    "_name_comment": "Name of the cliff prototype",
    "name": "cliff",
    "_cliff_elevation_0_comment": "Elevation of first row of cliffs",
    "cliff_elevation_0": 10,
    "_cliff_elevation_interval_comment": "Elevation difference between successive rows of cliffs",
    "cliff_elevation_interval": 10,
    "_richness_comment": "Multiplier for cliff continuity; 0 will result in no cliffs, 10 will make all cliff rows completely solid",
    "richness": 1
    "Overrides for property value generators",
    "Elevation influences water and cliff placement.",
    "Leave it blank to get 'normal' terrain.",
    "Use '0_16-elevation' to reproduce terrain from 0.16.",
    "Use '0_17-island' to get an island."
    "elevation": "0_17-island",
    "control-setting:aux:bias": "0.300000",
    "control-setting:aux:frequency:multiplier": "1.333333",
    "control-setting:moisture:bias": "0.100000",
    "control-setting:moisture:frequency:multiplier": "0.500000"
    {"x": 1000, "y": 2000}
  "_seed_comment": "Use null for a random seed, number for a specific seed.",
  "seed": null
"normal" is equivalent to 1. starting_area still needs to be a string in 0.17.5 (though you can pass a number as a string, e.g. "0.5"), but in 0.17.6 a number will work.

Thanks for the report!
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 61
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:27 am

Re: [0.17.4] incomplete map-gen-settings.example.json

Post by Eiermann »

Thank you very much for the fast response on such a small and unimportant issue!
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