[Oxyd] [0/17.4] Technology onhover modal loses focus on load/connecting gui

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[Oxyd] [0/17.4] Technology onhover modal loses focus on load/connecting gui

Post by Muppet9010 »

When you are in the research screen and are hovering over a technology the information modal for that technology appears as seen in the right half of the image. All as expected here.
When a loading bar and message appears (i.e. the server does an autosave or a player starts to connect/dropped) the technology modal is pushed behind the main technology screen as seen on the left hand side of the image.
modal focus lost.png
modal focus lost.png (774.09 KiB) Viewed 2026 times
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Re: [Oxyd] [0/17.4] Technology onhover modal loses focus on load/connecting gui

Post by Oxyd »

Thanks, fixed in 0.17.38.
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